Games in multiple languages
This is a learning technique mentioned on this website.
Can anyone recommend some specific video games or online games (for Mac, PC, Playstation, Xbox etc.) that come in English with Spanish subtitles or Spanish with English subtitles, or dual text? I am looking for something
interesting and conducive to language learning, like an adventure game, RPG etc. Thanks.
You can better play monolingual games in a foreign language. You can downloade language packs for many PC games. I cannot give you concrete examples though.
I forgot to mention that gaming doesn't really stimulate your language skill. However, when you communicate with people speaking a foreign language in an MMORPG like WoW (European servers for instance) you of course do. Compare it with Niponphiles who think they can learn Japanese through anime, while no Japanese speaks like an anime character. lol
Actually, I was thinking about a MMORPG as well. Thanks for the suggestion.
What would you say is the best MMORPG that would work on the Mac?
How about that would work on the PS3 (I could buy a USB keyboard for it)?
I should have said the best that could be very useful for a native English speaker learning Spanish.
These are good for learning languages.
That sounds very similar to the so-called traditional British food, which tends to be pieces of roast meat (beef is now less popular than it once was since the BSE scare) or sausage with Yorkshire pudding (made from something like pastry or batter), potatoes (roast, boiled or mashed), cabbage and boiled vegetables. However, you'll probably find that very few British people under 65 eat primarily that sort of thing. The most popular food in Britain is curry, whilst pasta, pizza, paella and Mediterranean vegetables are completely normal and accepted. Upmarket cuisine in Britain is essentially French.
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