
Guest   Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:29 am GMT
Hi, which is the most commonly used word for the system that allows you to change gears in a car, motorbike or bicycle, a same term for all the three if that word exists. I've found these:

gear change
transmission gear

Al   Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:22 pm GMT
gear shift
Guest   Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:01 pm GMT
Thanks, so could you say 'the gear shift of my car doesn't work?', I mean, without having to be more specific.

I think that Britons doesn't shift gears, they change it.
Another Guest   Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:16 pm GMT
I would understand "gear shift" as the actual stick, while "transmission" is the part of the car /controlled/ by the gear shift.

For a bike, "gear shift" is again whatever device the operater actually handles, usually a lever. The device that changes gears is the derailleur, although that's probably not how it's spelled. With a bike it's a bit different; with it all being in the open, you probably wouldn't talk about it as a whole, but rather identify exactly what part of it is not working. E.g. "my cable broke" or "the teeth on my gear are stripped", etc.
Uriel   Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:32 pm GMT
I agree -- gear shift is the lever that changes the gears, while the transmission is the actual assembly of gears and related machinery running under the car.
Al   Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:09 am GMT
The gear shift is the part of the gearbox which has the shift forks.

The stick is called a gear stick, gear lever, or shift stick.