What does "soap actress" mean?

Amurrio   Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:36 pm GMT
What does "soap actress" mean? Why "soap"?
Guest   Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:11 pm GMT
Maybe, "soap opera actress"?
Ben   Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:21 pm GMT
Yep, an actress, who acts in a soap opera.

Uriel   Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:56 pm GMT
"Soap operas" are so-named because in the old days, when they were radio melodramas, they were often commercially sponsored by companies who made soap (for whatever reason). The name has stuck, even though there is no direct association anymore. They are still called "soaps".
Laura Braun   Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:12 pm GMT
Soap movies are for housewives who has to stay at home whole day instead of working.
Damian   Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:17 pm GMT
I think that Laura will stir up a hornets' nest with that last comment! Males are always being told that housewives/girlfriends DO work....on housework. But of course, it may be just a smokescreen......check the schedules and it really does look as if a lot of daytime TV seems to be female oriented in content.....

Soaps? No time to watch loads of crap....except for Emmerdale right now.......one interesting storyline.... :-)
Laura Braun   Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:19 pm GMT
The only problem with watching of soap operas is called personal self identification. I know a person who adore soap operas, if you asked her a question during the soap opera she could not answer you nothing because she is so in that soap opera's story that she is not interested in real life. Second problem with soap operas (I have read about that in newspapers) is that some people want to turn their life in soap opera's serial. On the other side soap opera is other way to escape from reality. For example you are not happy, rich and so and so, but if you see rich, happy and wealthy people on the screen you feel much more happy, because of what you have seen.