"Got up by the press"

beety   Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:50 am GMT
What does that mean?

Thanks :)
Uriel   Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:17 pm GMT
I'm not sure. Is there more to that sentence?
beety   Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:09 pm GMT
You can hear it here:

It's at 2:00
AJC   Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:40 pm GMT
It's something of a set-phrase, used to suggest that a news story is lacking in any truthful basis and has been largely created by sensationalism in the media. If you search on the phrase in Google (try "media" as well) you'll find many examples of it. Note that most of them have ironic quotation marks around the phrase - it is (as in the video) somewhat of a cliche when used by politicians to try to stop discussion of something they find ebarrassing.
Daniel A, hyderabad   Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:48 am GMT

Ball Bucketing Activity

The Good…
The ideation was spontaneous and began right away though some members could have contributed a tad more to the process.
On the positive side, best practice sharing increased as the game progressed.
Issues with the working of a colleague, “Alfie grabs…” should have been brought up a little earlier.
Shifting positions on the team or the place of activity did not have a negative effect on the team’s performance.
The leader’s understanding of who’s-good-with-what and the consequent re-shuffle in the order helped the team greatly.

The not so good…
The trainees were not observed to be big on credit sharing among the group.
The group largely chose to not ask questions off the facilitators.
That all aspects of the game were not understood equally clearly by all was evident from the looks on the trainees’ faces.
The group should have asked more questions.
Till the middle of the game, the group lost more marks for cross-talks than for dropping balls.
Goal setting was perfected only towards the end as there was hardly a meeting of minds over the final figure to be reached.
Brainstorming sessions were not time efficient.
The group took almost five minutes to decide on the technique for a one minute activity.
Time management was an area of improvement for the brain-storming sessions as conducted.
Complacency set in with every high point and was reflected in the low score right after each one.
The effort could have been a little more self-motivated.
There were accusations all around but hardly any ownership.
The team could have done more to boost each other’s morale.
Few members reached out to help others with their technique or confidence.
The target figure or its validity was not questioned at all.
When near the elevator, the trainees split into two groups right away and held more or less parallel conversations that did little towards coordinating either the planning or the effort.
As groups ideated in isolation, it took a reprimand from the leader to bring them together.
Grace’s ball-count-intimation was good as it gave the members an idea of the size of the next challenge before it came.
Under pressure and in times of crises, the team exhibited an excellent attitude of teamwork and patience.
Questioning could have been a little more discreet, circuitous, indirect or on a more positive note.


The facilitator led the batch through a list of at least three new theoretical constructs; The Locus of Control, the Circle of Concern and the Circle of Control. Also discussed were Mind Binders and their detrimental effect on mental flexibility. Further training by way of nominations and answering a PEQ was also discussed.
Ronald   Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:01 am GMT
It also helps those learning English, and the stupid discussions help i think, its good to see the language being used to its full extremeties. And giving students of English a chance to get involved, rather than only having small talk about the weather etc. in their classes. As far as a plot against English culture, I dont think so. Ive had a drunken rant about Hollywood and England, but its only friendly banter. I agree with you about the nasty comments left by some, and the insensative ones. With any forum you will get them.