Please help me translate this Chinese article
Here's the text
美国志在牵制 收渔人之利
",“美国若能在‘马英九时代’,协助马英九和平解决台湾问题,未来的美国必然会拥有一个友好而强大的中国,否则美国就必须面对十三亿中国人民以血肉筑成的钢铁长城。”说得好啊,也是充满善意的,但愿美国三思之! "
If USA supports and helps the unification between mainland CHina and Taiwan, USA will face the USA-friendly China with 13 billions of people. But if USA breaks up the unification, USA will face the USA-hostile China with 13 billions of people.
Well said!
U.S. to blame for damage of bilateral relations
The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday renewed its condemnation on the United States' proposed arms sale to Taiwan and said the American side should take full responsibility for the damage of ties between the two countries and their respective armed forces.
"The U.S. side's act has seriously blocked bilateral exchanges and contacts in various fields, including high-level visits between the two armed forces. The U.S. side should take full responsibilities for the current situation of damaged military-to-military ties," Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a regular press conference here.
He said China always valued the relations with the U.S. armed forces, and had made active efforts to promote the Sino-U.S. military exchanges over many years.
The relationship between the Chinese and U.S. militaries as a whole enjoyed sound momentum of positive growth. In such a condition, the U.S. government, in spite of China's strong objection, on Friday notified the U.S. Congress about its plan to sell arms to Taiwan, including Patriot III anti-missile system, E-2T airborne early warning aircraft upgrade system, Apache helicopters, Javelin missiles, Harpoon submarine-launched missiles, and some airplane accessory parts.
"The U.S. move undoubtedly poisoned the good atmosphere of the military relations between the two nations, seriously endangered Chinese national security, and severely hindered the exchanges in various fields, including the high-level exchanges between the two armed forces," Qin said.
He said "the United States should bear full responsibility for the current situation of Sino-U.S. military relations."
Stuart Upton, a U.S. Defense Department spokesman, on Monday said Washington's arms sale program acted upon the provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act.
Qin said China, at the very start, firmly opposed the so-called "Taiwan Relations Act," which ran counter to the principles of the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques and the fundamental norms governing international relations.
The United States had no right to place domestic law above international ones, or use it as an excuse to sell weapons to Taiwan, Qin noted.
Upton also said "uncertainty over the motivations and direction of China's military expansion leads others to hedge," and "this could lead to a security environment less favorable to China's interests, the region's, and our own."
Qin said he noticed the "absurd comment" of Upton on China's military power, saying such a response was totally "confounding black and white" and "making unfounded counter-charges."
"China firmly takes the road of peaceful development and follows an independent foreign policy of peace and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature," Qin said. "China is an active force of promoting world and regional peace."
He said China aimed at safeguarding national sovereignty, territorial integrity and security to maintain limited defense power, adding the country does not seek hegemony or expansionism, nor an arms race. "China's development poses no threat to anybody," he said.
But the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan had disturbed the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and damaged peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, Qin said.
He said "we demand the U.S. side to fulfill its commitments of adhering to the one-China policy and opposing 'Taiwan independence' with real action, immediately cancel relevant arms sales to Taiwan and end military relations with Taiwan to avoid damaging peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and China-U.S. state-to-state and military-to-military ties."
Anti USA arms sales!
We are so poor and we are unemployeed,please give me money to our poor people ! How can we do for those arms? Arms can't be food!
To Guest Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:30 am GMT
Translating such a long article is far beyond the service a normal helping hand would render on a liberal forum like this.
Strongly recommend you to turn to translation firms for help!
十三亿 = 1.3 billion
亿 = 100 million, not billion
在這裡,我也不妨提出最直接簡單的諷刺:美國人(一般歐洲人反而是他們的副手了,這也”眾所週知”,你可以不信)自己就是雖然不擁有全世界,但就自行為世界下了所有定義,你提出異議就是你不對,就是你有人品問題。 To put it in English (now, here is antimoon): My "prejudice" is (I don't think this is blunt, Americans, do listen to me beforehand) Americans THINK they have defined the world thru giving all the definitions they THINK we need, and for you guys, too, but after all, that's just definitions, and most of us, while perfectly conscious of this, still might have to (most probably) follow the American instructions anyway. That's FINE. The unilateralism just won't triumph all the time, because naturally geopolitics is always going to prevent perfect unilateralism.
Well, at least before Chinese like me die, at least my country wouldn't succumb to this kind of implicitly malicious political libel that are so tacitly accepted and relied on by some morons who don't even know that the sovereignty of their own countries... eh... kinda get undermined thru the years. So they are embracing the American definitions without knowing that they are losing their own, and still say freedom rulz, China sucks, etc.
This is strictly not about something that this forum doesn't allow. That is what I can draw from personal knowledge after a lecture about political philosophy - not a rant, not flaming, either. I'd just say individuals, yeah, you guys, may find it beneficial (or inspiring, enlightening...) to read a bit of cultural and political history of a particular country X before you blame X for having some of the "oh, that really sucks and is retarded!" qualities like not having "liberty and freedom of speech".