:D Yes, as I mentioned above, you can't imagine how I was pride of myself at the moment when that idea came into my head. Try to learn your foreign language by using another one! As far as my experience is concerned, I always feel boring when I keep learning only foreign language: English. One day, I felt boring again, and certainly one idea just came to me. Obviously, my brain accepted, and whispered: errrr, since the sole purpose of learning English is to use it, why don't you just use it to learn another language? That sounds interesting. So I gave it a shot. I decided to learn Japanese by using English. There're tons of Jap audio materials prepared for English speakers on the internet. Those audio files are usually involved some English nativers who can speak Jap and teach Jap to other learners. After listening some of interesting audio files for 2 weeks, I enjoyed myself a lot. Intereting, I completely forgot my mother tongue and didn't feel English any more either. I think that's a great way to learn two languages simultaneously. At least for me I suppose. So what do you guys think?
PS: make sure your language tool(like English in my case) is good enough.
PS: make sure your language tool(like English in my case) is good enough.