Capitalization for Unique Noun

Kathy   Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:56 am GMT
I work at a company and have some questions on the grammer to unique nouns.
Do they need "the"? Or does the first letter should be capitalized?

For instance, companies names and their products names do not need "the" and start with capital letters.
How about small offices they own, such as "XXX Laboratories," "XXX Plant," etc.? Are there any rules? (For example, if the company have several plants in different locations, is it supposed to be "the XXX plant" to specify the name from other plants?

How about the sections in the organization?
Should it be spelled out as "the Quality Control Section" or "the quality control section" or "Quality Control Section"... or any others?

It would be appreciated if anyone can support me:)
Guest   Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:26 am GMT
I think most of the examples you give need to be capitalized, if you're referring to a particular plant, office, section, etc. If you're referring to quality control sections in general, I don't think capitalization is required.

As for "the", I suppose we'd need to see whole sentences to answer the question, but more often than not I'd expect "the" to be required in front of "Quality Control Section".

Of course, specific spelling and capitalization conventions used inside the company can override the traditional rules of English capitalization.
Guest   Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:31 am GMT
I don't think there are any rules but for a title, like on a business card, I find that an article is unnecessary; "Quality Control Section" is simpler and the capitals look better for presentation. However, in a message, like in a letter, it might be more appropriate to use an article, i.e. "the" when referring to the section.
Kathy   Fri Dec 02, 2005 6:30 am GMT
Thanx for the reply. I see.

As for name card presentation,
(The following person does not exist, but I made it up for an example:)

Ichiro Suzuki
Quality Control Manager
Quality Control Section
Los Angeles Plant
California Pharmaceutical Research Co.

looks good to me.

To describe him in a message, how would you suggest? 1, 2, or any others??
(assume that he is the only QC manager at the plant)

1) Mr. Ichiroh Suzuki is the quality control manager at the quality control section[or at Quality Control Section] of [the] Los Anageles Plant, California Pharmaceutical Research Co., ...

2) Mr. Ichiroh Suzuki is the quality control manager at the quality control section[or at Quality Control Section], [the] Los Anageles Plant, California Pharmaceutical Research Co., ...