Does Barack Obama speak pleasantly?
The last day of US presidential election is approaching and Barack Obama is leading the national polls. What a lucky guy!
But how do you think about Barack Obama's accent and speaking style? To me, he is confident, but he sounds somehow arrogant. I don't know why he gives me such impression, but that is what I feel. And his voice is not pleasant enough to my ear, guess that is because of the harmonic frequencies of his voice? I think John McCain speaks more clearly and light-heartedly than Barack Obama.
Plus Obama lacks happy-tensing.
"What a lucky guy!"
Uh huh. This is got nothing to do with luck.
"And his voice is not pleasant enough to my ear, "
Ironically, my uncle believes that his "thick voice" is what gave him all the credibility and fame because of how attractive it is (ridiculous huh?)
" I think John McCain speaks more clearly and light-heartedly than Barack Obama. "
You're like the first person on this planet that I hear saying this.
For someone whose main claim to fame is his oratory skills, he sure does say "um" a lot.
I think the most pleasant accent of the candidates is Sarah Palin's one. It's really nice and quintessentially American.
McCain is much more nasal.
I do like the way Obama speaks.
>>For someone whose main claim to fame is his oratory skills, he sure does say "um" a lot.
You know, I actually have to second you on that. He does stutter a lot and it surpises me how that is majorly overlooked. I thought I was the only one to think that.
Once you go Barack, you don't go back.
How to be articulate:
"2.Eliminate verbal pauses. Words such as um, a, like, etc... degrade and detract from what you say. They disturb the flow of a sentence and make it detached. A nonverbal pause is much better. When floundering for words, a nonverbal pause, placed correctly, gives the listener the effect of a dramatic or studied thought. It confirms your control over what is being said."
I quite like the way Mr Obama speaks to be honest with you, but naturally enough it's what he says that matters most on this very crucial day in American politics. What ultimately happens today over there will of course have an important effect on the rest of us out here in the wider world which, to my mind, qualifies us to make appropriate comments, one way or the other. In whatever accent the guy uses Americans themselves are much better placed than we are to make judgments on what he says.
Perish the thought but if this country was an American State it would be coloured a deep blue on the political map - 09:00hrs UTC tomorrow morning the Fifth of November.....what a co-incidence that it is Guy Fawkes Day over here....time for bonfires and fireworks displays to brighten up the gloomy British November weather.
<It's really nice and quintessentially American. >
What on earth does that mean?!!
>>>>> Another racist thread.
I agree, this whole forum is pretty racist.
I find McCain's voice too nasal to be pleasant, and Sarah Palin's voice quality to be pleasant but not the dialect in which she speaks.
Barack Obama is a good speaker, but not a great one, in my humble opinion. The big surprise--at least to me--was the effectiveness of Joe Biden's speech; he's the only one of the four who alters both his volume and his frequency with any degree of success.
How are any of our posts racist? Do you understand what racism is about? It's about race. Did ANYONE of us bring up the fact that he's black?
I'm a big Obama supporter who happens to think he um's a lot, is all. Anything wrong with that?
PS Walmart has lives on sale. U might wanna drop by.