Hi. I'm from South Asia. I've been researching accents for some time.
I want to learn British Accent and couldn't find much instructions available e.g. book, CD program, website etc. Can you recommend any good resources?
Secondly, from my research RP (Received Pronunciation) has gotten old fashioned & is dying. So learning RP doesn't sounds to be a good option. I'd rather opt for Estuary or some other accent.
Its much more easier to learn American Accent. There are a lot of resources available to learn American Accent. There is Ann Cooks Accent Program & Charlsie Childs program too & a few terrific website. Both are really good ones but learning British Accent seems to be difficult. Is there any program/book which helps with the British Accent? I'd have to chose the American Accent if no good resource is available to learn the British One.
A native English accent (US, UK, Australia etc) is very important here where I live. Really educated & posh people speak this way. It helps a loooot in interviews & promotions (if you don't sound snobbish)
I like British English because its very musical & we've been a British Colony & have more British influence.
I want to learn British Accent and couldn't find much instructions available e.g. book, CD program, website etc. Can you recommend any good resources?
Secondly, from my research RP (Received Pronunciation) has gotten old fashioned & is dying. So learning RP doesn't sounds to be a good option. I'd rather opt for Estuary or some other accent.
Its much more easier to learn American Accent. There are a lot of resources available to learn American Accent. There is Ann Cooks Accent Program & Charlsie Childs program too & a few terrific website. Both are really good ones but learning British Accent seems to be difficult. Is there any program/book which helps with the British Accent? I'd have to chose the American Accent if no good resource is available to learn the British One.
A native English accent (US, UK, Australia etc) is very important here where I live. Really educated & posh people speak this way. It helps a loooot in interviews & promotions (if you don't sound snobbish)
I like British English because its very musical & we've been a British Colony & have more British influence.