How dare guys call us ladies chicks!!!!!

Travis   Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:08 pm GMT
>>As a very happy and contented gay man who most certainly has never had any desire to be considered an "honorary woman" - for heaven's sake!!!! - the very idea!!! - I offer my sincere sympathies to all the straight men out there when they come up against the likes of the OP throwing an oestrogen fired wobbly over the little word "chick" and resenting big time being called that by men, especially, while at the same time reserving total and unconditional rights to hurl all manner of names and insults at the male gender with the full support of the media and society at large, be it through the divorce courts, the family courts, the child custody courts and the judiciary generally, all of which have become heavily influenced by the distortions and misrepresenting mendacity of the feminist movement.<<

Okay there... for starters I was only referring to the role of some gay men in their interaction with women, and certainly not *all* gay men. Mind you that I myself have also seen the other extreme, of gay men who have embraced being more masculine than most heterosexual men, with the idea being that if they are to be attracted to men rather than women, would they not want to be and to be attracted to truly masculine men and not men who try to be women (as if they were still heterosexual in a way).
Rene   Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:49 pm GMT
This has turned into a bit of a feminist bashing arena hasn't it? I get just as annoyed by feminists as anyone else, but it looks like a lot of men equate all women with them and we're not all like that. I have worked construction and can out-lift many of the men I know, but I also cook and clean and whenever there is company the man sits at the head of the table. I expect equal pay for an equal job, but I don't consider staying home to actually raise the children rather than carting them off to day-care beneath me.

There will always be some jobs women are better suited to and some that men are suited to and nothing is going to change that. Overcompensation, reverse discrimination is the problem here, not women in general.
Guest   Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:50 pm GMT
"Why must boys always be so competitive?
"Productive, truthful" - big words.
Take a break - relax a little. If us chicks ruled the world it'd be much nicer place. "

In an idealistic fantasy world maybe.
Jasper   Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:03 pm GMT
Rene, I'd noticed that, too. It could easily be turned around, though--a mention of prison statistics might be in order.
~_~   Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:12 pm GMT
"In an idealistic fantasy world maybe."

There you go again. Men!
Without fantasy and ideals we'd be still living in stone age.
In fact you probably do.
Luke   Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:27 pm GMT
The term "bird" or "chick" as used to describe a woman or girl is an interesting one. I remember reading once that it is actually derived from the Anglo Saxon or Old English word "Byrd" meaning maiden, So ladies, if a guy calls you a "chick" or "bird" he is actually giving you a compliment :-)

And, while we are here a quick comment about the "Man Flu" thing when we are ill. Please remember that when you are ill we can always now retaliate with "Avian" Flu :-)

Guest   Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:41 pm GMT
what do women have to do with birds to be called chicks? If the kind of bird is a parrot then I get it
Laura Braun   Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:29 pm GMT
<<what do women have to do with birds to be called chicks? If the kind of bird is a parrot then I get it >>> because it's so innocent.
Leasnam   Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:25 pm GMT
<<what do women have to do with birds to be called chicks? If the kind of bird is a parrot then I get it >>

Well, because old women are "hens" right?
They often cluck and hen-peck their men to near frickin' death!
And they brood...

So follow the login here: 'hen' = "old broad"; 'chick' therefore must = "young broad"

simple. : )
leasnam   Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:27 pm GMT
<<So follow the login here:>>

That should be "logic" not 'login'