I need to sing the song Adeste Fideles (O Come all ye faithful) in Latin. Any suggestions for improving my singing and pronunciation of it would be very helpful as I am a beginner.
Here are the words:
Adeste fideles
laeti triumphantes
venite, venite in Bethlehem
natum videte regem angelorum.
venite, adoremus Dominum
O come, all ye faithful,
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethelehem;
Come and behold him,
Born the King of angels:
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.
Here are the words:
Adeste fideles
laeti triumphantes
venite, venite in Bethlehem
natum videte regem angelorum.
venite, adoremus Dominum
O come, all ye faithful,
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethelehem;
Come and behold him,
Born the King of angels:
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.