CUM ONNNN? Tsk, tsk...
Should Racial slurs be eliminated from the English language?
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<<Just because someone says something offensive to you does not give you the right to say "that offends me we need to ban it!">>
The new spirit of policital correctness makes it illegal to anything offensive to anyone an anytime ("hate speech" and all that). Given that the original goal of political correctness was to destroy Western Civilization, it might still be OK to say things that offend white European Christians, and especially (US) Americans , however.
The new spirit of policital correctness makes it illegal to anything offensive to anyone an anytime ("hate speech" and all that). Given that the original goal of political correctness was to destroy Western Civilization, it might still be OK to say things that offend white European Christians, and especially (US) Americans , however.
Yes, yes, an obvious conspiracy.
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