And Google user, you forgot this page which as articles and links to the decline of French in various countries.
Is French on the decline
And Google user, you forgot this page which as articles and links to the decline of French in various countries.
Inherently inferior languages are boosted by low quality immigration: Spanish in USA, Arabic and Turkish in Europe.
The same happens with French in Spain. There are many French African speakers who swim to the Spanish coasts. At least they switch fast to Spanish unlike Hispanics in USA that like to preserve Spanish.
He venido a la Tierra para contaros algo de gran importancia. Estoy seguro de que a algunos de vosotros no les gustará oír lo que tengo que decir. Pero, tenéis que creer en la Palabra de Dios, como lo hizo María hace tantos años cuando ante ella surgió de la nada un ángel, que le contó que ella misma habría de dar a la luz al hijo del Señor. Le habría parecido extraño y increíble a ella cuando oyó aquellas palabras, al igual que os parecerá extraño a vosotros cuando oigáis lo que he de contaros. Ahora, sin más preámbulo, mi Palabra:
EL ESPAÑOL YA NO TIENE IMPORTANCIA EN LA ESCENA INTERNACIONAL. ¡Ya está!, la Palabra de Dios. No dudéis de ella, ¡confiad en ella! Soy Dios, y esto es una prueba de vuestra fe, ¡demostrad su fe! ¡No os dejéis tentar por los demonios que habitan en la Tierra! ¡Dejad que la Palabra de Dios purifique vuestras almas, os abrirá la puerta de mi Reino, y os dejará felices y inundados de la gran sabiduría mía!
Spanish the sole legal language of Europe? Hispanic Dung Beetles, you know well that this will never happen because the rest of big countries will never accept that. Your egolatry knows no limits. Spanish is suffering grom fragmentation tendency and this fact cannot be changed by a few and unnoticed Spanish politicians from Madrid.
French is more useful than Spanish in Brazil: Idiot dung beetle frog, even in your own sources the demand for Spanish has decreased and Brazil levels French with Spanish. This text appearedin the link you first posted not I and I use it agains your non-sense posts: "O francês será sempre um diferencial por ter sido, até a década de 50, o idioma dominante no mundo sendo que, até hoje, há países europeus que, profissionalmente, consideram o francês no mesmo nível do inglês", conta Keila Reis, da Unisa. Translation: "The French will always be a gap because it was up to the 50's, the dominant language in the world and, until now, there are European countries that, professionally, consider the French at the same level of English," says Keila Reis, the Unis. O espanhol ainda é o segundo mais pedido do mercado, os motivos continuam os mesmos. "O espanhol ainda é mais importante por causa da proximidade dos países de língua espanhola ao Brasil, mas essa necessidade vem decrescendo, houve um boom há doze anos atrás, quando foi anunciado o Mercosul, mas agora a busca decresce", conta Roland Zotele, gerente da área de idiomas do Senac-SP. Translation: Spanish is still the second most in demand in the market, the reasons remain the same. "Spanish is even more important because of the proximity of Spanish-speaking countries to Brazil, but this need is decreasing, there was a boom twelve years ago, when it was announced Mercosur, but now the search decreases," says Roland Zotele, manager of the area of languages to Senac-SP.
Le français est une langue avec beaucoup plus d'avenir que l'espagnol parce qu'il est parlé par plus de 100 millions de personnes de la classe moyenne dans le monde entier. Tous les Espagnols sont speking pays pauvres, en Europe, l'espagnol n'est pas important, a trop de concurrence, non seulement à partir du français, l'anglais et l'allemand, mais aussi italien, néerlandais, polonais, grec et même suédois. L'Europe s'achemine vers l'adoption du français et l'anglais comme langues officielles seulement, et dans d'autres langues survivent dans des domaines d'autres continents colonisés par leur ancienne métropole. Mais les Espagnols en Amérique hispanique et l'Espagne sont tous de pauvre, puis espagnol a un avenir très sombre.
<< I said it before: Brazil. Spanish is compulsory in Brazilian schools. French isn't. Spanish is being reintroduced in schools in Philippines, whereas French in Vietnam isn't. You are losing the race and can't do nothing more than buying members of the "Francophonie" . Hahahaha. >>
I said it before: Brazil. before English and Spanish were in Brazil, French was. French isn't. Thje teaching of French in Vietnam has grown strong again and without interruption unlike Spanish in the Philippines where in just 2000+ of the people speak it as a foreign language. You are losing the race and can't do nothing more than weak purchasing power members of the "Hispanidad" . Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
When there is a battle, like this French-Hispanic Dung Beetle, is easy to know which one is right.
If you Yahoo search for Spanish in decline " there are a lot of websites where you can see that Spanish language is in serious decline and trouble written and admitted by the hispanics themselves. If you search the same for French the sites were just mere blogs created by Hispanic Dung Beetles whose head are full of lies. There are always good data for the French language. *********************************************************** The Fragmentation of Spanish Language policy in Spanish-speaking Latin America deals with challenges to the status of Spanish as the official language, a status inherited from the colonial administration of the New World. These challenges come from several sources: THE ASSERTION OF THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS GROUPS, THE ‘DANGER’ OF FRAGMENTATION OF SPANISH INTO A MULTITUDE OF LOCAL DIALECTS, THE GROWING PRESTIGE OF ENGLISH AND INFLUENCE OF THE UNITED STATES, AND ALONG THE SOUTHERN BORDER OF BRAZIL, CONTACT WITH PORTUGUESE. Selected references Angel Rama (1996) The Lettered City. Duke University Press. [spelling reform after independence, p. 43ff; foundation of Spanish American Academies, Cuervo, Caro & Bello p. 59ff] Julio Ramos (1989) Desenceuntros de la modernidad en América Latina. Literatura y política en el siglo XIX. Tierra Firme, México. [Ch. II sobre Bello] Julio Ramos (1996) Paradojas de la letra. Ediciones eXcultura, Caracas, Miami, Quito. [Ch. 1 sobre Bello] *********************************************************** The Decline of the Spanish Language " The destructive affect of the cult of regional dialects on Spanish is painfully evident- Did Pío Baroja have a magnificent command of Castilian? It escaped me. I knew him, and his speech was somewhat uncouth. He did not know Basque. Christopher lives close to the Spanish border, where Catalan is spoken. My impression is that he is generous in his assessment of French. The decline in languages may be due in part to the loss of the habit of learning to recite poetry, which was an essential part of education. How many school children today can recite Goethe, Racine, or Shelley? " Ronald Hilton - 5/9/03 ********************************************************** The "SPANISH" LANGUAGE: Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries THE SECTION ON MODERN COLLOQUIAL SPANISH, ESPECIALLY THAT SPOKEN ON TELEVISION, IS DISCOURAGING. IT IS OFTEN DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND, EVEN FOR PEOPLE FROM OTHER SPANISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES. The film makes light of this, but it is a pathetic decline from the beautiful Spanish promoted by the Spanish Academy. Even some Latin American students at Stanford use a slang unknown to me and often to other Latin Americans. Some WAISers defend the variants as the expression of a people, but they seem to have a romantic longing for the good old times when the inhabitants of one valley could not understand those of the next. John Wonder complains about this, and about the machine-gun like speech of young people. Indeed, in the Bogota I first knew, the "Athens of America," the intellectual elite spoke a very beautiful Spanish. Now SCOLA rebroadcasts news programs from Cali. The young women announcers on the program rattle off Spanish is high-pitched voices without the intonation indicating comprehension. The decline of Spanish in Colombia is a tragedy, admittedly insignificant in comparison with the major tragedy of life there. Ronald Hilton - 4/15/01 ********************************************************** "Those who wish to remain isolated from the rest of the world, either by extending Puerto Rico's current colonial status or through annexing it as a U.S. state, care little about the fate of the Spanish language, because their worldview has shrunk." By José R. Bas García Translated By Halszka Czarnocka December 28, 2007 Argentina - Argen Press - Original Article (Spanish) In Puerto Rico, there remains a constant debate about language that has its roots in the inconclusive political status of the island. There are the same divisions on the issue of status as there are on the defense of Spanish or English. Those who favor independence [for Puerto Rico] see Spanish as an integral part and a unifying factor of the Puerto Rican nationality. Those statesman [those in favor of U.S. statehood] have adopted a seemingly pragmatic position, downplaying the importance of the cohesive value of Spanish and extolling the teaching and use of English as an instrument for achieving better economic conditions. “English is a universal language of business,” they insist. Many, following the false notion that if their children don’t learn English they won't be able to succeed in life, make great sacrifices to keep them in exclusive and prohibitively expensive private schools, where the teaching is done in English. ********************************************************** The opposite tendency for French language. French is still rising. French, The Most Practical Foreign Language While any language will be useful for some jobs or for some regions, French is the only foreign language that can be useful throughout the world as well as in the United States. French as a foreign language is the second most frequently taught language in the world after English. The International Organization of Francophonie has 51 member states and governments. Of these, 28 countries have French as an official language. French is the only language other than English spoken on five continents. French and English are the only two global languages. When deciding on a foreign language for work or school, consider that French is the language that will give you the most choices later on in your studies or your career. French, along with English, is the official working language of the United Nations UNESCO NATO Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) the International Labor Bureau the International Olympic Committee the 31-member Council of Europe the European Community the Universal Postal Union the International Red Cross Union of International Associations (UIA) French is the dominant working language at the European Court of Justice the European Tribunal of First Instance the Press Room at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium One example of the importance of French can be seen in a recent listing of international jobs (8/25/08) distributed by the US State Department: 78 required or preferred French, 27 a UN language (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish), 17 Spanish, 10 Arabic, 5 Russian, and 3 German, 1 Chinese. Of the various types of professional positions for which international organizations recruit, five required French, two Spanish, one Portuguese, and one Arabic, according to the fact sheet released by the UN Employment Information and Assistance Unit Bureau of International Organization Affairs U.S. Department of State, December 1, 2000. The importance of French language and why should it be adopted as a universal language? Being the second most taught language internationally after English, and having a readership and following which are commiserate with the number of its students, French is definitely the language to know these days. With English, French is the only other “international” language, being spoken in 5 continents. The international body supervising the following of French as a language is known as the International Organization of Francophonie, which has 51 countries as its member states and out of these 51 states, 28 countries have French as their official language. The widespread use of French as a language can also be inferred from the fact that French, with English is the official language of many towering organizations of the world, such as the UN, NATO, UNESCO, the International Red Cross Association and IOC (The International Olympic Committee), to name a few. From a recent survey, it has been noted that almost 70% of jobs in the US require or prefer the aspirants who know French, other than English, which is a testimony to the importance of French. Campaign to make French sole legal language in EU The Associated Press Published: February 7, 2007 BRUSSELS, Belgium: A group of senior European politicians on Wednesday called for French to be installed as the language of reference for all legal texts in the EU in an effort to offset its gradual disappearance as a working language in Brussels. The campaign for French to become the only source language for translations of legal texts into the other 22 official EU languages is led by the former prime ministers of Bulgaria and Romania, government ministers from France, Belgium, Poland and Italy, EU lawmakers and scholars, who argue it is the most precise and analytical European language for legal texts. Both tendencies are confirmed in Yahoo. French is still rising so fast while Spanish remains submerged and fragmenting into numerous variants. Sorry, but webpages show the truth...
Good points Yahoo user. Thanks for posting sources. But I'm sure the stubborn Hispanic fanatics here will get defensive and disregard all these articles and resort to calling you names because they can't accept the trends of Spanish today.
And to the imbeciles that label French as the language of poor African people, well that is very weak argument and invalid point. The fact is that ALL large languages have many poor people (less so with English though). French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese all have varying areas of wealth and prosperity but they also have large groups of poor people as well...especially the Hispoanic countries in Western Hemisphere (among THE POOREST in the world).
And Yahoo user, you forgot this page which as articles and links to that Spanish is being overrun by other languages in various countries.
Importance of French in school and work (America still looks to France)
Historically France and the French language have had an enormous influence over American society. France was the United States' first ally. French thought played a dominant role among the founders of the United States in the 18th century, and it continues to shape America today through the influence of such intellectual currents as post-structuralism and post-modernism. In the humanities and the social sciences, many of the most important writings have come from France. Students and researchers who know French have access to these works for several years before they are translated into English. Many significant works are never translated and remain accessible only to those who know the language. In addition, most graduate schools require knowledge of at least one foreign language, and French remains the most commonly used language after English.
<< especially the Hispoanic countries in Western Hemisphere (among THE POOREST in the world). >>
Sigh...once again the frogs just copy posts and change the words without facts. African Francophone countries are THE poorest in the world. Look at the statistics for these countries. They are available for anyone to see. Sure the countries in Latin America are not super rich, but they are better off than much of Africa and some of Asia. On the international scene, English is the ONLY gobal language. It's funny when the frogs here try desperately to claim that it is the "2nd". There is no need for a 2nd place, just large regional languages. Even though many schools teach French it is of little importance because English is more popular, practical and much more necessary. Plus French doesn't have a very large native core of speaks. And the "5 continent" claim I always hear from French fanatics is crap. It's more like 3 if we are talking about any amount of "significant speakers" - Canada (North America), Europe, Africa. That's about it. No where is it an official language in Asia. French is not as grand as frogs make it out to be.
<< And Yahoo user, you forgot this page which as articles and links to that Spanish is being overrun by other languages in various countries. >> Ha! Nice try frog. This link is just a list of languages by country. What's your point? Are you just mad because of this site: |