A few of my friends asked for some basic lessons in kiristav and they asked me to put it up on this forum. A few also asked me to write the dialects of Damani and Nawaits. Unfortunately I can't speak Damani as it's actually Portuguese creole. Kiristav and Nawaits on the other hand are quite related to portuguese but also different in several aspects. I do however also speak Nawaits, which is very similar to Kiristav and I shall write the differences in paranthesis next to the word) So here goes:
0- anda (nawaits - enda)
1-umi (nawaits - eki/omi)
2-dosh (nawaits - doi)
3-tresh (trish)
4-cuatre (quitra)
5- cinque (cinqa)
6-seas (sesa)
7- sete (setu)
8-otte (oti)
9- nuvi (nuve)
10- des (dish)
Days of the week:
Sunday - Dimanchi/Rav var (Nawaits - Domanka)
Monday - Luni/ Lan var (Lunnu)
Tuesday - Marti/ Mes var (Mura)
Wednesday - Mercoli/ Shoukhar var (Saraghi)
Thursday - Vendri/ Shinni var (Venuvu)
Friday - Vierni/ Verni var (Vernuvu)
Saturday - Sobat/ Sedutu (Sabati)
Basic phrases:
Salem/Bom gi'/Namaste (In Nawaits, you can say either Salaam or Bom dio depending on the region)
How are you?
Thuzhui kasa hovesh? (informal) (Nawaits - tusha koisa sesh?)
Apzhui kasa hovemem? (formal) (Nawaits - apzhi koisa setem?)
Do you speak Kiristav? (Do you speak Nawaits?)
Falish kiristavi?/Kirishtavi boluishi ava?(Nawaits - Falash nawaitis?/Nawaiti bhalisi ava?)
I can understand Kiristavi but cannot speak it.
Pudum comprenare kirishtavim bet falishinete/boluishina (Nawaits - Karum comprener Nawaitisem peri falashineti/bhalisenati)
Adiu/Salem/Selek (Nawaits - adio/radinni)
So here are just the basics.
Pronunciation tips:
It's a perfectly phoenetical language, so it's spoken the way it's written.
Note: Most of the words in kiristav or nawaits have two different set of words (because of the different sets of speakers). In fact, in reality, almost 65% of the words have 3 different ways of saying the same work (because of the muslim/persian, hindi, and portuguese influences) but learning one or two of the words for every word is more than enough (as the speakers in Goa, Daman, and Diu are accustomed to these words).
Kiristhavi apreneshiste baat lekhistam!!! (Have fun learning Kiristav)
(Nawaitis padeshise baut lakshasam!)
0- anda (nawaits - enda)
1-umi (nawaits - eki/omi)
2-dosh (nawaits - doi)
3-tresh (trish)
4-cuatre (quitra)
5- cinque (cinqa)
6-seas (sesa)
7- sete (setu)
8-otte (oti)
9- nuvi (nuve)
10- des (dish)
Days of the week:
Sunday - Dimanchi/Rav var (Nawaits - Domanka)
Monday - Luni/ Lan var (Lunnu)
Tuesday - Marti/ Mes var (Mura)
Wednesday - Mercoli/ Shoukhar var (Saraghi)
Thursday - Vendri/ Shinni var (Venuvu)
Friday - Vierni/ Verni var (Vernuvu)
Saturday - Sobat/ Sedutu (Sabati)
Basic phrases:
Salem/Bom gi'/Namaste (In Nawaits, you can say either Salaam or Bom dio depending on the region)
How are you?
Thuzhui kasa hovesh? (informal) (Nawaits - tusha koisa sesh?)
Apzhui kasa hovemem? (formal) (Nawaits - apzhi koisa setem?)
Do you speak Kiristav? (Do you speak Nawaits?)
Falish kiristavi?/Kirishtavi boluishi ava?(Nawaits - Falash nawaitis?/Nawaiti bhalisi ava?)
I can understand Kiristavi but cannot speak it.
Pudum comprenare kirishtavim bet falishinete/boluishina (Nawaits - Karum comprener Nawaitisem peri falashineti/bhalisenati)
Adiu/Salem/Selek (Nawaits - adio/radinni)
So here are just the basics.
Pronunciation tips:
It's a perfectly phoenetical language, so it's spoken the way it's written.
Note: Most of the words in kiristav or nawaits have two different set of words (because of the different sets of speakers). In fact, in reality, almost 65% of the words have 3 different ways of saying the same work (because of the muslim/persian, hindi, and portuguese influences) but learning one or two of the words for every word is more than enough (as the speakers in Goa, Daman, and Diu are accustomed to these words).
Kiristhavi apreneshiste baat lekhistam!!! (Have fun learning Kiristav)
(Nawaitis padeshise baut lakshasam!)