The Video ran very slowly for me, so it was not very interesting or enjoyable to watch.
The style of News Anchors, is such that it will not interfere with the News that is being presented.
News presenter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia11 Dec 2008 ... In the United States and Canada, presenters of news broadcasts are referred to as news anchors (sometimes anchorperson, anchorman, ... - 30k - Cached - Similar pages
I watched something to do with a young woman and a shower instead (in chinese)
Robin Michael Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:16 am GMT
The Video ran very slowly for me, so it was not very interesting or enjoyable to watch.
The style of News Anchors, is such that it will not interfere with the News that is being presented.
News presenter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia11 Dec 2008 ... In the United States and Canada, presenters of news broadcasts are referred to as news anchors (sometimes anchorperson, anchorman, ... - 30k - Cached - Similar pages
I watched something to do with a young woman and a shower instead (in chinese)
The video runs rather smoothly on my computer!
I strongly recommend you to try a second time!
What do you mean by "the" anchor? I heard several different speakers. The first was good, but most of the others were pretty bad.
Another Guest Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:31 am GMT
What do you mean by "the" anchor? I heard several different speakers. The first was good, but most of the others were pretty bad.
Yes, I mean the anchor sitting at the newsdesk.