Portuguese Language TV
Jo Soares says he can speak 22 diferent languages. I think he just knows some words from each language !!
He was raised in several countries in Europe, and now has this "genuine copy from Jay Leno and David Letterman" show
Very weird. Jo is a female name.
"Jo Soares says he can speak 22 diferent languages. I think he just knows some words from each language !! "
I listened to the clip about Winston Churchill. It was funny. I learned something! I'd love to hear his languages.
"Tinha-te escrito que, a meu ver, não conseguias perceber o português europeu porque tem uma fonética mais rica do que o brasileiro e mais dificil de entender. Os lusos costumam “engolir” as vogais átonas sobretudo ao falarem depressa"
I've heard some casual European Portuguese and I understood it more or less. I've heard a lot more Brazilian Portuguese, but I didn't find EP that difficult to understand. Sure, it sounds different, no argument there. When I first heard it I found it surprising, but I got used to it. Of course, I haven't gone into villages and studied accents in detail. There may very well be some people I would have trouble understanding in certain villages, certain speakers.
Estás seguro de que la mayoría de las personas en este foro sepa Español? Solo leo temas sin sentido sobre la importancia del idioma castellano, lo mismo ocurre con el francés...
It's my guess. Spanish is very commonly studied in the US and a lot of posters appear to be US citizens.
Naturellement je connais le français, j’adore lire des livres en français, en particulier des romans ou des essais. De temps à autre je lis des journaux et des magazines aussi. A propos, je n’ai jamais vu un de tes messages dans une langue autre que l’anglais. :-)
Well, I have written some things in other languages, but not under "LL", some were under Guest, for example.
Ich liebe andere Sprachen auch, aber ich will hier nicht schreiben...
Why is that?
"Jo Soares says he can speak 22 diferent languages. I think he just knows some words from each language !! "
I only heard him speaking French and Italian other than English (don't like his accent in English, though). But to be honest to see a Brazilian speaking Latin languages doesn't strike as amazing. There's no doubt he's a very cool, funny and intelligent guy!!! His program is worth to watch!!!
Brazilians are good at speaking brasianhol, brasiatalian, brasiafrench.
Brazialian accent sucks