World lingua franca
We know that English, Spanish and French are World lingua franca. They are the most studied languages Worldwide and official in all the World organizations.
My question is the next: Which other languages can be added to this group?
German, Russian, Chinese and Arabic are lingua franca in a big area but out of this area, their influence and study are very minoritary.
For example it is very strange that a person from North Korea and another from Uruguay speak in Arabic, for instance. I don't know if they can be considered really World lingua franca.
There is only one world lingua franca - English. There cannot be a second world lingua franca otherwise that would mean the first is not a lingua franca.
English is not a lingua franca completely. If a Brazilian and an Argentinian want to communicate they will speak Spanish or a kind of Portunhol rather than English. Swedes and Germans will use German to speak to each other instead of English and many other cases where people speaking different languages don't need to use English as last resort could be cited as well. I think that English acts as a lingua franca mostly when a Westerner has to deal with an Asiatic or a person from other parts where they don't have any knowledge of European languages appart from English.
English, French, Russian, and Arabic are the only ones that can be considered as lingua franca.
Spanish is not, because no two non-hispanic nationalities use Spanish as common language to facilitate communication. Spanish are just used by Spaniards and Hispanic Americans and no one else.
English, French, Russian, and Arabic are the only ones that can be considered as lingua franca.
Spanish is not, because no two non-hispanic nationalities use Spanish as common language to facilitate communication. Spanish are just used by Spaniards and Hispanic Americans and no one else.
<<Spanish is not, because no two non-hispanic nationalities use Spanish as common language to facilitate communication. Spanish are just used by Spaniards and Hispanic Americans and no one else. >>
It is used between Paraguay (Guaraní speaking) and Bolivia (Quechua and Aymara speaking).
This thread is stupid and useless
<< It is used between Paraguay (Guaraní speaking) and Bolivia (Quechua and Aymara speaking). >>
Oh yeah, but they were under Spanish rule that's why. But have you heard a Romanian/Moldovan and Portuguese/Brazilian speak Spanish to each other? No and never just French.
Portuguese and Brazilian use Portuguese.
Romanain and Moldovan use Romanian.
<< Portuguese and Brazilian use Portuguese.
Romanain and Moldovan use Romanian. >>
Improve your English and review the real context of my last message.
<<But have you heard a Romanian/Moldovan and Portuguese/Brazilian speak Spanish to each other? No and never just French. >>
They would use English. At least if they are anyone of any worth, like scientists or engineers.
Guys calm down. English is the only World lingua franca nowadays. That's a fact. In the future this situation may change. There are also some important regional languages.
The languages hierarchy is like this:
1. World lingua franca: English
2. Auxiliary lingua franca: Spanish
3. Regional languages: Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, Russian
4. National languages (major ones): German, Dutch, Italian, French, Polish, Japanese, Korean
The languages hierarchy is like this:
1. World lingua franca: English
2. Auxiliary lingua franca: Spanish
3. Regional languages: Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, Russian
4. National languages (major ones): German, Dutch, Italian, French, Polish, Japanese, Korean
This order is rather ridiculous, Spanish is not an auxiliary lingua franca. French is not at the same level of Dutch or Korean:-) In addition Italian is used as a lingua franca in many mediterranean areas. French is spoken in many African northern countries
In addition Italian is used as a lingua franca in many mediterranean areas
Hahaha, so funny.