"This is simply not true. An accent is simply moving you tongue and vocal chords etc in a certain way"
This, theoretically is true, but in practice is way hard to do it. Don't tell me that reading how to move your tongue, you actually remember that when you speak. I see this impossible to do. For each sound you produce out of your mouth, you will remember where to put your tongue????
Some people are able to do a certain accent, but for a short period of time. An accent is not about just sounds , intonation is also important. A friend of mine ( American born ) can do the Hindu Accent, but I don't believe he could just speak like that whole time. He does it just for fun.
"This is simply not true. An accent is simply moving you tongue and vocal chords etc in a certain way"
This, theoretically is true, but in practice is way hard to do it. Don't tell me that reading how to move your tongue, you actually remember that when you speak. I see this impossible to do. For each sound you produce out of your mouth, you will remember where to put your tongue????
Some people are able to do a certain accent, but for a short period of time. An accent is not about just sounds , intonation is also important. A friend of mine ( American born ) can do the Hindu Accent, but I don't believe he could just speak like that whole time. He does it just for fun.