False Friends
Cognates are great-except when they ain't (I mean "aren't). What false friends have you encountered in other languages?
Gift=present in English, "poison" in German.
Poisson=fish in English, not poison.
Sopportare-not support, used more like "Non sopporto"=I cannot stand
(that comedian).
It's okay to include examples that do not contain English. For example, Portuguese-Spanish examples or examples in Slavic languages. Please explain them (and any funny stories) in English.
Let's all learn something today.
conveniente (spa) != convenient (eng.)
The Spanish word is more widely used and has wider meanings.
embaraçada in port means embarassed, but embarazada in spanish means.....pregnant.
I sometimes wonder how these semantic shifts occur. How could words with the same root come to have such a drastically different meanings?
Embarazada derives the same root that embraced comes from, not embarrassed.
Ligação means phone call in Portuguese whereas ligación means affair in Spanish. This pair was used along with "embarazada-embaraçada" in a commercial encouraging people to speak REAL spanish and not Portuñol.
p.s I found this link with an article on portuñol:
Czech and Polish seem to have been designed to cause awkward situations. here a few...
Pl: szukac - to search for
Cz: Šukat- to fuck
Pl: zachod- west
Cz: zachod- restroom
Pl: zapach- a pleasant smell
Cz: zapach- a foul stench
Pl: laska- love, or a hot chick
Cz: laska- a stick
Pl: droga- direction, way
Cz: droga- drug, narcotic
Pl: stolica- capitol city
Cz: stolice- faeces
(of course if you've ever been to Warszawa... especially compared to Praha.)
Spanish - red (net)
English - red (the color)
Catalan "cama" - leg
Spanish "cama" - bed.
English bald- hairless.German bald-soon.
English well-good or spring (of water).German Welle-wave.
English see- recognize surroundings whith eyes. German See-lake.
English hell- place where someone will suffer for own sins after death.German hell-brightly.
Swedish - Rolig =Funny
Norwegian- Rolig = Calm
1. moment in Spanish
2. rat in Brazilian Portuguese, mouse in Continental Portuguese
<<Embarazada derives the same root that embraced comes from, not embarrassed.>>
i was comparing the Port/Spanish word, which do come from the same root.
German: Hören (also Hoeren) - To hear
Dutch: Hoeren - Whores
German: doof - Stupid
Dutch: doof - Deaf
German: Winkel - Angle
Dutch: Winkel - store
German: Geil - cool, great whatever
Dutch: Geil - Horny
<<conveniente (spa) != convenient (eng.)
The Spanish word is more widely used and has wider meanings.
It's not a false friend, both have same meaning in part but as you said in Spanish it has broader meaning.
A nice false friend in Italian and Spanish:
burro: in Spanish it means donkey and in Italian butter
Another one: asilo. In Italian means nursery and in Spanish it's just the contrary: a nursing home for elderly people.