Pronunciation different between "Look" and "L
so "look"----/luk/ and "luke"----/lu:k/, can anyone explain the difference in this way: 1. the position of tongue 2. the shape of lip 3. facial muscle 4. the openness of the mouth. thank you very much.
I usually pronounce /u/ like this: my mouth and tongue and lip are at the same position as I say /k/; and for /u:/, I round my lip and protrude my lip and my tongue go backward.
I pronounce 'look' with a short vowel /lUk/, but 'Luke' with a long vowel and w-glide /luwk/
for 'Luke' my lips are more rounded than for 'look', and the tongue is draw further back in the mouth
I'm not sure why you're giving those as the vowels. At least in my dialect, the vowel are [œ] and [u], respectively.
@Another dialect, I'm not sure if my browser supports IPA correctly. Did you reaqlly say that you used the o and e digraph and [u] for the two vowels, or did you actually write [U] (X-SAMPA)? If you wrote [oe] (a front rounded vowel), then which dialect do you speak?
<<@Another dialect, I'm not sure if my browser supports IPA correctly. Did you reaqlly say that you used the o and e digraph and [u] for the two vowels, or did you actually write [U] (X-SAMPA)? If you wrote [oe] (a front rounded vowel), then which dialect do you speak? >>
Perhaps a Scottish dialect?