People actually say this?
"Go flatting"?
It means to rent a flat between a number of people, usually friends. Common amongst university students studying away from home, for example.
The meaning seems to be the one mentioned by Sweatmeister. I haven't heard it myself here in the United States (and 'flat' itself isn't ordinarily used for apartment, though we're very familiar with that term from British sources). Here's a net site that traces the expression to Australia and New Zealand. "Austral./NZ leave one's family home to live in a flat." --
When discussing various kinds of student residences, the National Institute of Studies in New Zealand says, "A large number of students will go flatting which is when a house or apartment (called a 'flat') is rented by a group of friends." When I googled "go flatting", a surprisingly large number of sites on the results pages had an .nz domain. Whether it's said in Australia and other places I don't know.
When discussing various kinds of student residences, the National Institute of Studies in New Zealand says, "A large number of students will go flatting which is when a house or apartment (called a 'flat') is rented by a group of friends." When I googled "go flatting", a surprisingly large number of sites on the results pages had an .nz domain. Whether it's said in Australia and other places I don't know.