Paul, I will try and do that tonight. Otherwise, I will be able to post it on Monday.
I hope mine helps.
I hope mine helps.
Sample of my accent. How do I get rid of it?
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Paul, I will try and do that tonight. Otherwise, I will be able to post it on Monday.
I hope mine helps.
Oops, something went wrong! I posted on the wrong board. I'm back with the same message on the right board.
César, You’ve started interesting thread here on the Antimoon Forum with your ‘What's your English accent like?’ You don’t need to be too quick with the recording. These Charles Dickens’ lines, I find slightly more difficult to read than your Daisy Hamilton story. Also, your idea of reading a passage by starting with one’s own native language and then switching to English sounds fine, as well. In this way, we, antimooners may get a bit closer to each other. Take care Paul N.
Sign in name: samson626626 password: 123456 I have recorded my own Dickens passage too. Please give me some advice.
<<I have recorded my own Dickens passage too. Please give me some advice.>>
Samson, I gave you some advice on both of your files. Go to the, "What's Your Accent Like?" post. You'll find it there.
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