How To Learn English The Correct Way?
I am from Malaysia.
My ex-Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamed stressed that the best way to understand English is by having students study Mathematics and Science subject in English.
In my opinion, learning English must start from the basics i.e learning the actual language through the correct method. By not giving priority to learning English the correct way would not help the students to under stand and grasp the language thoroughly.
Can anybody please give a good advice?
<<,Mathematics and Science>>
Math and Science??? No!
The best way to learn depends on you--you're personal learning style, temperment, etc.
Do you seem to get the most benefit out of grammar tables, reading or immersion?
<<you're personal learning style>>
that should be "your personal learning..."
to the author:
Have you read the rules of this forum? I think your question better suits the Languages forum. Besides, there's no reason to post your question 3 times!
As about your question, well, personally studying programming in English helped me a lot. But I think it's not the case for everyone. The studying style should be different for everyone. Some have troubles memorizing the words, while others have hard time with grammar and my advice here is to find your unique way of learning English. If Math is easy for you then go for it!
It's not for everyone, but I think that if you already plan to be a mathematician or a scientist, it is very important to get lots of exposure to scientific writing in English from an early date, because I have come across many a foreign student who spoke and wrote English excellently in normal contexts, but could not cope with the scientific style of writing English. This is a big problem if this is your field because when people look to hire or publish you what they do is read your papers. If they can't understand your papers then you will be disadvantaged.
I did a course in Electronics at University in Aberdeen. One of the students came from Malaysia and he spoke English very well. He did make some funny mistakes.
We were once asked to take an electrical resistor out of a draw. He took a bundle of about one hundred all attached to each other. He said, "I have found the electrical resistance, but there is only one".
In the space of one year, he was going from very little knowledge to a great deal of knowledge. Rather like a developing economy.
I had a Proton car from Malaysia. It developed an unusual fault. The spring in the bonnet catch rusted through. That meant the bonnet catch did not work. Which meant, that the bonnet could have flown up in the air as I was driving along. This is why people in developing countries like to buy European cars.
I was going to write 'German cars' but I decided to be more patriotic. Tata, an Indian company has bought Jaguar, a famous British company. Even, a quintessential English company.