I want to know which one of the two usages is correct and Why?
1. Advance Computing Skills for All
2. Advanced Computing Skills for All
Thanks in advance
1. Advance Computing Skills for All
2. Advanced Computing Skills for All
Thanks in advance
I want to know which one of the two usages is correct and Why?
1. Advance Computing Skills for All 2. Advanced Computing Skills for All Thanks in advance
2 is correct.
'Advanced' is being used as an adjective - and when verbs are used as adjectives, they must be in the perfect past participle form.
And yet...
"Advance computing skills are envisaged to make genome-sequencing at least six times faster." http://www.financialexpress.com/news/suns-elearning-facility-goes-genome-mapping/63149/
From the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary:
Advance (as an adjective) - done or given before sth is going to happen: Ex.: Please give us advance warning of any changes. Advanced (could be only an adjective) - 1. having the most modern and recently developed ideas, methods, etc. 2. (of a course of study) at a high or difficult level. 3. at a late stage of development As posted by Dan, in the given article there is a talk about predicting facilities - that's why advance (!not advanced) is used . |