Dutch Phrase Pronunciation

Rod   Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:43 pm GMT
I bought a poster in Amsterdam about ten years ago with Dutch writing (which I'd like to be able to pronounce) on it.

How do you pronounce "Rijksmuseum"? And how about "Dageraad der Gouden Eeuw: Noordnederlandse kunst 1580-1620"?
Sander   Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:02 pm GMT

I could use Xsampa to ,more or less,explain it but Im afraid Xsampa lacks a lot of specificly Dutch sounds so I hope this helps you as well:


The translation (now we're busy) :

"Rijksmuseum" = (littl.) Empire museum

"Dageraad der Gouden Eeuw" = "Dawn of the golden century"

"Noordnederlandse kunst 1580-1620" = North-Dutch (North Netherlandic) art 1580-1620"
Rod   Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:47 am GMT
Thank you, Sander! That was indeed very helpful.
Guest   Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:24 pm GMT