"Whatever the outcome of this week’s G-20 summit, two things are certain. First, it will be hailed as a success. Second, it will be dismissed as a failure."
"Whatever the outcome of this week’s G-20 summit, two things are certain. First, it will be hailed as a success. Second, it will be dismissed as a failure."
Hello Honey
I was tempted to write something on the G20 but I realised that it was nothing to do with language. That is not entirely true, as the event will be dogged by language differences. I spotted one howler, which is more 'body language'. President Obama has a habit of draping his arm over other people's shoulders. I read his book, and he said that he did this with President Bush. President Bush's security staff were visibly upset. Well, he did the same thing with Gordon Brown. Even more amusing, Michelle did something similar with the Queen. The British media needless to say, picked up on this. If it had been the Australlian Prime Minister, all hell would have broke lose. As it was, it just showed the depth of the Special Relationship.
The other thing about the G20 was that it provoked street demonstrations in London. The right to peaceful protest is one of the fundamental rights in any democracy. Yet to what extent were the protests peaceful, and to what extent were the Police and the Protesters looking for trouble.
And I went down to the demonstration To get my fair share of abuse Singin', 'We're gonna vent our frustration If we don't, we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse' Sing it to me, now (You can't always get what you want) (You can't always get what you want) (You can't always get what you want) But if you try sometimes, well you just might find You get what you need Ooh baby, yeah, ooh Google: rolling stones 'you can't always get what you want' lyrics I can remember someone commenting on the Civil Rights Marches in Northern Ireland that sparked off the current round of Troubles that have only just come to an end. Someone said, that the 'Civil Rights' protesters were looking for trouble. |