Subtitles in movies?
When I watch movies in english, would you recommend I watch them with or without subtitles in my native language? I can understand usually only 25-50% of what is being said in english, but I feel like if subtitles are on, I can't help but concentrate on reading in my native language instead of listening to the english.
Thank you.
Listen and write down unknown words and expressions.
So, both subtitles and original voices would be of use.
I learned a lot of German by watching DVDs with German dialogue/dubbing and English subtitles. You get exposed to natural conversations spoken at full speed and that develops your listening no end. Of course, you can always hit the rewind button when you come across a new word or phrase that seems useful.
If you can already understand 25% of the English dialogue, then you have a firm base to build upon.
I would recommend using subtitles specifically for deaf people. This way you KNOW what they're talking about and at the same time you hear what they say.
Just don't look at the extra information like: "Whistling birds", "Creaking door" etc.. Those are of no use for you.
Oh, than I meant English subtitles for deaf people of course. I use them when a movie isn't subtitled in Dutch because of my hearing.
I use the same in Dutch movies, but than just so I know what they were saying. I can understand Dutch fully, but sometimes if there are more sounds around me I can't choose the right sound I have to listen to.
I live in the UK and I often put on the subtitles when watching the TV. There are two reasons for this.
1. My partner is Polish and she finds it helpful
2, I find it quite helpful too. I do not always catch every word.
3. Particularly late at night, I can turn the volume down.
4. I find it quite interesting to watch the sub-titles and hear the dialogue,
and to notice the difference between the two.
How many reasons did I say their were? (Both the sub-titles and the dialogue are in English.)