I need help away from my Spanglish,I can't help but borrow English words into my Spanish,
can someone please point me to the right Spanish way.
can someone please point me to the right Spanish way.
I need help away from my Spanglish,I can't help but borrow English words into my Spanish,
can someone please point me to the right Spanish way.
<<I need help away from my Spanglish,I can't help but borrow English words into my Spanish,
can someone please point me to the right Spanish way.>> B.S.
the way out is simple Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:47 am GMT
Easy, read books written in pure Spanish. Thanks man I'll think that I'll start reading the Spanish Bible now. ,and when I'm ready I'll read my Don Quijote de La Mancha book.
the way out is simple Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:47 am GMT
Easy, read books written in pure Spanish. In my view you're not particularly gifted with Languages. How can you blend these two languages, they're not so similar..What about playing baseball instead of learning Spanish or any other language..
"realistic" - your views are not appreciated. Why don't you go and play baseball (you're obviously American), instead of discouraging people on forums?
Tal vez puedes tomar una clase en la universidad local. Ellos te pueden ensenar espanol SIN INGLES.
Me molesta tanto cuando estoy hablando con un hablante y me dice " tuve que ir por el highway ayer" Porque no me puede decir autopista o otra palabra usada! Me enoja cuando ustedes no hablan solo en espanol!
El "spanglish" es un insulto al inglés y al castellano. Ambas lenguas tienen palabras que rara vez necesitan intercambiarse y con la ayuda de libros y otros medios de comunicación como la internet es posible aumentar tu vocabulario y aprender a hablar y escriber el español correctamente.
<<I need help away from my Spanglish,I can't help but borrow English words into my Spanish,
can someone please point me to the right Spanish way. >> Why not jsut switch to 100% whole-hog English?
El "spanglish" es un insulto al inglés y al castellano.
No, es un insulto al español sólamente porque se meten en este idioma palabras y calcos ingleses, mientras que en cambio el inglés no se ve afectado por la falta de cultura de los hablantes del spanglish. |