<<A frequent example in present-day Standard English is the omission of two [r] sounds from words like "caterpillar, Canterbury, reservoir, terrestrial, southerner, barbiturate, governor and surprised." >>
Do we really? Let's see -- I would say those words as follows:
caterpillar - caddapiller - drop 1 R, change T to D
Canterbury- Cannerberry - drop no Rs, drop T
reservoir - rezavwar - drop 1 R
terrestrial - ter-res-chreeul -- drop no Rs
southerner- sutherner -- drop no Rs
barbiturate -barbitcheret -- drop no Rs
governor - guverner -- drop no Rs
surprised- suhprized -- drop 1 R
But that's probably because I'm rhotic to begin with, and we rarely drop final Rs.
Do we really? Let's see -- I would say those words as follows:
caterpillar - caddapiller - drop 1 R, change T to D
Canterbury- Cannerberry - drop no Rs, drop T
reservoir - rezavwar - drop 1 R
terrestrial - ter-res-chreeul -- drop no Rs
southerner- sutherner -- drop no Rs
barbiturate -barbitcheret -- drop no Rs
governor - guverner -- drop no Rs
surprised- suhprized -- drop 1 R
But that's probably because I'm rhotic to begin with, and we rarely drop final Rs.