the N word
I wonder what word is that. It was mentioned in BBC’s Hard Talk with Whoopie Goldberg yesterday. Can it be “negro”?
Sure, go to downtown Cleveland at midnight and shout that word at the top of your lungs. You'll be the centre of attention!
I won't be liable for medical costs, or, more likely, undertaker/funeral expenses. lol
N as in nose
I as in ice cream
G as in guy
G as in gay
E as in elephant
R as in robot
What do you get?
The word in question is ''niggerfaggot''.
The "n word" is "nigger." It's an extremely volatile racial slur (almost always directed at African-Americans, often black people in general, and very rarely to other races), and I recommend you never use it (unless you have a death wish).
Right, only black people may use that word impunity.
<,almost always directed at African-Americans, often black people in general, and very rarely to other races), and I recommend you never use it (unless you have a death wish>>
The "other" word, directed at non-African Americans, is "w(h)igger"
go figure
To be more precise, a 'wigger' or a 'whigger' if you will, is a white person, usually a male, who wants to be the N word
Eminem is a good example
<<To be more precise, a 'wigger' or a 'whigger' if you will, is a white person, usually a male, who wants to be the N word>>
You must be racist. If you weren't, you'd say "who wants to be black".
<<You must be racist. If you weren't, you'd say "who wants to be black".>>
No, that would be more racist, because then you're saying all blacks act like niggas (gangstas). The wiggers don't want to act black in a normal sense but they want to act black in the gangsta sense. A white guy who wants to be like Barak Obama is NOT a wigger. A white guy who wants to be like Snoop Dogg is.
Barak Obama's BLACK??? :-o
<<Barak Obama's BLACK??? :-o >>
The word 'nigger' has more than one meaning. There is the general offensive slur against any black person, but there is also a more specialised meaning of 'gangsta'. 'Wigger' is based on the second meaning and not the first.
<<'Wigger' is based on the second meaning and not the first.>>
I'm actually inclined to agree with this.