I am now studying Italian,and some people told me that some of the grammar are different,so What's the difference between the Italian and the spanish?
Can Italian omit the word "che" ,when they link two sentences?
I know Italian and Spanish ( Portuguese, French and other languages as well) and I'd say that the two languages are quite similar but from a grammatical point of view they possess some basic and peculiar differences. On the whole, it seems to me that the Italian grammar is a bit more complicated but it's just an opinion that I'll try to explain:
Both definite articles and undetermine articles are a bit trickier in Italian than in Spanish. Besides Italian has got a partitive article like French.
Plurals are more complicated in Italian even though they're rather regular compared to other languages. Italian’s got some irregular plurals and some of them come from the Latin neuter (uovo - uovA / dito- ditA) egg, eggs / finger fingers. Some words even have two different plurals: braccio/ braccia/bracci arm/arms
The Italian language has two sets of prepositions: simple and contracted that are joined with articles. Moreover, the use of the prepositions is in Italian a bit more illogical than in Spanish.
Italian has some tricky pronominal particles such as : ci, vi, ve, ce, ne. Their usage is mainly idiomatic. These particles don't exist neither in Spanish nor in Portuguese.
As for the verbal system, the main difference is that Italian makes use of two different auxiliary verbs to form all compound tenses. Sometimes, the choice of the right auxiliary verb may be hard, even for an italian.
Past tenses are much more irregular in Italian. I'm referring to the past participle and Simple past. I've to say that the simple past is much more widespread in Spanish but In the centre and in the south of Italy It's commonly used in speech in Italian as well. For instance I normally use the two tenses.
Last but not least, Italian can use the Apostrophe and apocopation: some words can drop their last vowel according to the position in the sentence, for example: bene/ben, migliore/miglior, fare/ far; vuole/ vuol, mare/ mar. and so on.
IT's got two verbs to translate the English verb to be ( estar and ser) Italian also has the verb "stare", but its use is easier than in Spanish. French doesn’t have this verb at all.
Another feature of Spanish is the neuter article LO. It's used mainly with adjectives and some adverbs.
The neuter pronouns esto, eso, aquello can be a bit tricky sometimes.
Spanish makes use of the preposition A for the personal accusative : I love my mother: Amo A mi madre.
As for the verbal System:
Spanish has lots of irregular verbs in the present tense with a caracteristic diphthongization of many verbs: ex. perder (to lose) yo pIErdo, jugar (to play) yo jUEgo and so on.
The imperative is harder than in Italian
The imperfect of the subjunctive has two distinct series of endings
-ase -ara ex yo cantase/ yo cantara .
Sorry if this post it's too long .
I'm very glad that you have told me so much, it's of great help for me.
kutya, you're message is really interesting and complete. Thanks