English, Especially American English, words are added to languages world-wide, partly of US technology that develops news products and services for which new words must be coined. When a new product or services enters another language area, it may take on an Anglicised name.
For example, Russians call tigh denim trousers(pants) 'dzhinsi' (pronounced 'jeansy'); the French call a self-service restaurant 'le self', and Lithuanians go to the theatre to see 'moving pikceris'. An estimated 20,000 words have entered the Japanese language. However countries such as Finland have largely developed their own words rather than using Anglicised versions.
Also a great number of words from other Languages have entered the English language such as 'Cafe' (French) and lets not forget the great French names of tasty foods.
For example, Russians call tigh denim trousers(pants) 'dzhinsi' (pronounced 'jeansy'); the French call a self-service restaurant 'le self', and Lithuanians go to the theatre to see 'moving pikceris'. An estimated 20,000 words have entered the Japanese language. However countries such as Finland have largely developed their own words rather than using Anglicised versions.
Also a great number of words from other Languages have entered the English language such as 'Cafe' (French) and lets not forget the great French names of tasty foods.