"The literary heritage
Ideas about English change over time, but two themes endure. One of these is about a ‘heritage’ of literary texts that no pupil should leave school without reading. We want to consider what ‘heritage’ means in our multi-ethnic, multicultural society and in a context where the boundaries between literary and non-literary texts are increasingly blurred in both print and electronic media. What should a reading heritage be for pupils in 2015?"
Any thoughts on the last question in that paragraph?
Ideas about English change over time, but two themes endure. One of these is about a ‘heritage’ of literary texts that no pupil should leave school without reading. We want to consider what ‘heritage’ means in our multi-ethnic, multicultural society and in a context where the boundaries between literary and non-literary texts are increasingly blurred in both print and electronic media. What should a reading heritage be for pupils in 2015?"
Any thoughts on the last question in that paragraph?