I'm just wondering how to pronounce certain words.
For instance: balliamo: bal-lee-ah-mo or bal-ya-mo?
Or ciabatta: chee-ah-batta or cha-batta?
For instance: balliamo: bal-lee-ah-mo or bal-ya-mo?
Or ciabatta: chee-ah-batta or cha-batta?
Italian Pronunciation
I'm just wondering how to pronounce certain words.
For instance: balliamo: bal-lee-ah-mo or bal-ya-mo? Or ciabatta: chee-ah-batta or cha-batta?
But I'm just wondering when to pronounce the vowels individually or not. Like Italia: I sometimes say ee-tal-ya and then ee-tal-ee-ah.
Mais quelle différence entre 'balliamo' et 'bagliamo'?
But what diference between 'balliamo' et 'bagliamo'? Che differenza c'è fra 'balliamo' et 'bagliamo'?
Che differenza c'è fra 'balliamo' et 'bagliamo'?
llya glia are two completely different sounds!
no big difference for French people....
not even for others who have the GL sound in their respective languages. Italia- Italya or Italia (with "i" as a semivowel). While pronouncing it, it sounds almost the same, and the only difference is that the GL sound sounds more like doppia, and LY like a single consonant.
As a matter of fact, most foreigners can't pronounce gl (it's always a double consonants in Italian) properly
that's why i said it was impossible to them to recognize those two sounds.
spanish LL is not similar. Slavonic L' or LJ is a proper one, but it's not a geminate. (except Russian and Slovenian, they don't have the GL sound)
"French doesn't have the sound gl and Spanish is losing it"
I'm a Spanish speaker, but I don't know what you mean by the GL sound, it is like in "Globo"?
The Spanish LL and Y sound the same for 98% of Spanish speakers.
Anyway, so you guys don't have the English sound "GL" like in "globe" in Italian?
98% of Spanish speakers are ignorants. Classy people pronounce LL and Y differently.
it's not true. LL and Y are well distinguished in the northern Spain, in fact, from Madrid up to the north.
I'm from Salamanca, and my whole family and friends do distinguish those two sounds. It's not the GL sound as in Italian, it's different and in my opinion,it's more difficult to achieve the LL than GL. |