By listening to a language tape or a language CD while sleeping can you learn a language for free? What improvements to this method do you know of?
Sleep Learning - Something for Nothing?
Listen to a language tape or CD when you are relaxed. When I get the time, I am going to try this out-stretch out and listen while I close my eyes. I think the vocabulearn recordings might work well this way. I've picked up a lot without much effort just by listening while doing something else. I think I could pick up even more by just relaxing and listening.
I don't know about listening in your sleep. It reminds me of people who put a book under their pillow. Maybe if the volume is low and you drift off to sleep, you'll pick up something. I usually dream in a language if I read it right before I go to bed.
I don't know about listening in your sleep. It reminds me of people who put a book under their pillow. Maybe if the volume is low and you drift off to sleep, you'll pick up something. I usually dream in a language if I read it right before I go to bed.
I usually dream in a language if I read it right before I go to bed.
Really? I'm going to read something in Portuguese tonight I hope I'll dream in this wonderful language...
Really? I'm going to read something in Portuguese tonight I hope I'll dream in this wonderful language...
I don't promise that the dreams will be interesting or useful. I suggest reading AND listening if you want to see if this happens to you.