UN accent
I'm from Croatia and I've got some cousins living in Australia. When I speak with them, they say I have the, so called, UN accent. What is it?
Can somebody explain it? Is the phonology of that accent closer to AmE or to BrE?
UN as in United nations? What the hell is that UN accent?
I don't know. It depends on how good your accent is. If it's really good, then they probably meant that you have a native sounding trans-Atlantic accent. Otherwise they might mean that you have a near-native foreign accent that sounds like an official from the UN might have.
Since I lived in Sydney and now I live in Croatia, my accent is really weird. I'd call it a hybrid one. It's a mixture between Australian, British and American. Depends on people I'm talking to.
Your written English is broken...
I think that last comment is unfair! (and insulting)
Then that pretty much explains it. A trans-Atlantic accent is how someone would speak that was from the middle of the Atlantic ocean half-way between Britain and North America
"Your written English is broken..."
How is his written English broken? I can't find any mistakes.
thank you fsakljg :)
and thanks for an explanation.
<<How is his written English broken? I can't find any mistakes. >>
"Depends on people I'm talking to."
Is this acceptable grammar?
I never said my English was perfect so it's not very polite to talk and discuss about my foreign languages. If you learn to speak Croatian fluently without any mistakes, I'll congratulate you, till then, shut up!
So I must waste a ton of time learning an unimportant language before I can say anything about your broken English? Get real dude!
''Dude'' is not proper English. It's Yankee slang.
"Yankee" is not proper English. It's Southern slang for Northerners. And no, it cannot be used to refer to Californians. Unless you want people to think you are an idiot.
Yes, "Idiot" is proper English used to refer to all native speakers of English all over the world.