If I Visit Spain.
Since i'm Hispanic, born and raised in the USA, and also bilingual (Spanish & English, how would I be treated if I go to Spain just for being Hispanic? I heard that there was alot of mistreatment towards latin americans who visited Spain. I plan to go to spain, and I want to know how I will be treated.
Thanks in Advance.
P.S. Also, how do French & Italians treat Hispanic people?
Deberías vacunarte de la gripe porcina antes de venir.
Hispanics are probably less discriminated in Spain than they are in the USA.
>>Deberías vacunarte de la gripe porcina antes de venir.<<
No mas porque yo soy hispano no significa que he vivido e ido a visitar mexico y que tengo la gripa. Vos no tenes que ser ignorante.
Y por vuestra informacion, ya estoy vacunado. ;-)
>>Hispanics are probably less discriminated in Spain than they are in the USA.<<
Que que vos tenes toda la rason.
Hispanics are not discriminated at all in Italy. Gipsy, Romanians and north Africans much more...
it's la grippe porcine in FRench
a gripe suina in Portuguese
la gripe porcina in spanish
l'influenza suina in Italian :-)
Swine flu in English
<<P.S. Also, how do French & Italians treat Hispanic people? >>
You're a US-American and will be treated as such.
I mean would you treat an Italian differently if he's from Mantova rather than from Ravenna?
Mira, Rolando, si visitas España serás tratado con cortesía y simpatía. No sé lo que puedan haberte contado pero, si vienes a nuestro país, guardarás de él un buen recuerdo.
<<Deberías vacunarte de la gripe porcina antes de venir. >>
You may have to wait some months then, until the vaccine is developed.
Si es gripe porcina, ¿por qué no salen por TV imágenes de cerdos infectados? Esto huele raro...
This flu is made by the USA government. Just to take money from innocent people.
Esta gripa esta echa por el govierno de EEUU. Simplemente para hacer dinero.
Gracias Lazarillo, voy a tomar vuestra respuesta en concideracion.
They'd probably call you a mestizo.
If you speak Spanish they will probably consider you Mexican rather than American.
He is obviously not bilingual entirely because his Spanish is full of mistakes. He would be taken as an American.
If you are an American you will be seen as such in all European countries.
We don't make the opposition between "Anglo-Americans" and "latinos-Americans". For a European an American is an American, whatever his background and ancestry is from Germany, Mexico, Russia or Kenya.
What generally will make you looking America will be: 1-the way you dress (American tourists generally dress completly foreign to European ways, especially in countries like France, Italy and Spain. Northern European tend to dress a bit more sportswear, especially in UK)
And 2- The language you speak, that is to say English with American accent.
So, unless you dress less sportswear, and use only Spanish, European people won't assume you are "hispanic". Concerning here where I am (France), the term "hispanic" refers mainly and firstly to everything witch is from Spain (that is the origin of the word), and every "Spanish" thing. We think about hispanic Americas only after.
There is absolutly no discrimination about Spanish culture, because it is seen as a European culture like the other, and we won't have the attitude when hearing Spanish to think "ho, once again a immigrant from a southern third world poor nation": because here, If you speak Spanish, people will tend to think firslty you are Spanish. If we realise that you are latin American it won't be a problem because most European think latin Americans to be quite similar to Spanish people and won't consider yourself as the "poor hispanic imigrant" in the US meaning. latin America usually have a much more positive image than the USA in France (even if it is changing with Obama)
In Spain it is different because they will imediatly recognise your accent and associate it with latin America. As they have a lot of poor latin-american imigrants in Spain, they tend to have maybe a bit more negative image of the latin-American people. But most people don't.