
American   Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:26 pm GMT
Yeah, that was completely out of line.
NZer   Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:51 pm GMT
What's the big deal with "old hag"? She is rather haggish, I mean, with all the pomp, prudence and primpy behaviour. Surely Britain isn't like Thailand where you get imprisoned for insulting the royal family? I have no issue with mocking them, as I would mock a politician or Bradd Pit.
K. T.   Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:42 am GMT
'What's the big deal with "old hag"?'

Since I was rude in mentioning that you mentioned it, lol, I'll pretend you are seventeen or younger and tell you that "old hag" is insulting.
Why insult someone who hasn't done anything to you, and seems rather harmless to boot?

Brad Pitt chose to be a public figure. The queen ended up in the role because her uncle wanted to marry a twice-married American (go figure), and her dad died at a young age, so she's been queen a long time. Maybe she would have liked a different life, but she accepted the responsibility for her position in a dignified way.

She isn't my queen, and I wouldn't even want to meet her because I don't like pomp, but I see her as decent and I don't insult decent people if I can avoid it.
K. T.   Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:45 am GMT
At least not in the public square.
asdf   Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:01 am GMT
What if she were stripped of all power? How would you feel about her then? You don't even have to pay taxes to support her like people in the UK do?
NZer   Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:08 am GMT
<<Brad Pitt chose to be a public figure. The queen ended up in the role because her uncle wanted to marry a twice-married American (go figure), and her dad died at a young age, so she's been queen a long time. Maybe she would have liked a different life, but she accepted the responsibility for her position in a dignified way.


On the one hand you have a point, but on the other hand that seems as good as reason to dislike her as to not dislike her. It means that she has not actually done anything personally to deserve her fame or position. Bradd Pitt on the other hand deserves more respect because he was able to become famous by dint of his excellent acting skills. I find it more admirable to make something out of oneself than to be born into a cushy position.

Maybe she would like a different life? Well, maybe, but that is a cop out if you ask me. She's not the only one.
American   Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:31 am GMT
Well, I suppose everyone is entitled to his own opinion, no matter how awful and disrespectful it is. Sorry, but I can't understand how anyone could dislike the Queen.
asdf   Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:36 am GMT
This is rubbish. Next you'll be saying that members of the nobility don't deserve their titles.
K. T.   Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:54 am GMT
"I find it more admirable to make something out of oneself than to be born into a cushy position"

I see. You admire an actor. Is acting really difficult? It seems more cushy than the demands of state, but perhaps you see it differently.
MrPedantic   Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:35 am GMT
<Bradd Pitt on the other hand deserves more respect because he was able to become famous by dint of his excellent acting skills.>

By a certain genetic accident, BP has a job of a certain kind. By a different kind of genetic accident, ER has a job of a slightly different kind.

It seems odd to dislike or admire either of them, on the basis of genetic factors.

NZer   Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:53 am GMT
<<By a certain genetic accident, BP has a job of a certain kind. By a different kind of genetic accident, ER has a job of a slightly different kind.

It seems odd to dislike or admire either of them, on the basis of genetic factors.

MrP >>

Logic fail. I guess we should not dislike assassins, child slave-drivers and drug runners because their job is the result of certain genetic accidents. Lol!

I can't believe you are all so touchy about the queen. I never attacked her anyway, all I did was call her an "old hag". That is no big deal in my books. I call annoying old women "old hags" (not to their faces of course) all the time. Why should the queen not be able to be considered an "old hag".

Anyway, in the end, I guess maybe "old hag" is too harsh, because I really don't care about her enough to have strong feelings of any sort towards her. In my mind she is nothing more than a random old "lady" who wears stupid hats and talks with an annoying accent.
royal-list   Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:19 pm GMT
how many europeans countries have still a royal family ? I know Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Netherland, Norway ...
Paul   Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:21 pm GMT
rep   Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:25 pm GMT
Denmark too.
rep 2   Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:37 pm GMT