A mí Europa no me gusta nada, preferiría que España fuera un Estado de USA.
like languages? don't vote for EU elections
<<A mí Europa no me gusta nada, preferiría que España fuera un Estado de USA.>>
Much better to join up with Mexico and perhaps other countries like Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama, Peru, Phillipines, Argentina, Chile, Dominican Republic, etc.
Much better to join up with Mexico and perhaps other countries like Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama, Peru, Phillipines, Argentina, Chile, Dominican Republic, etc.
Good news, looks like Turkey is to have a tough fight if it wants to join the EU. At least the German and French demagogues are right about one thing! Turkey must not join! Turkey would better join the African Union instead!
Good news, looks like Turkey is to have a tough fight if it wants to join the EU. At least the German and French demagogues are right about one thing! Turkey must not join! Turkey would better join the African Union instead!
Russia belongs to the European culture, Turkey doesn't.
Let's first extend the Union from Ireland to the Pacific.
Extension into the Middle-East is not a sensible option IMHO.
Let's first extend the Union from Ireland to the Pacific.
Extension into the Middle-East is not a sensible option IMHO.
Much better to join up with Mexico and perhaps other countries like Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama, Peru, Phillipines, Argentina, Chile, Dominican Republic,
It would be the other way around: Mexico , Cuba, Argentina and so on to join Spain because they were Spanish colonies. It is much better for Spain to be an Hispanic state of USA like New Mexico and Puero Rico. Europ is about to die, it has no future.
It would be the other way around: Mexico , Cuba, Argentina and so on to join Spain because they were Spanish colonies. It is much better for Spain to be an Hispanic state of USA like New Mexico and Puero Rico. Europ is about to die, it has no future.
" We need to throw down the French government and free the Occitan, Basques, Provençal, Corsicans and Bretons! "
The french government is elected by the Occitan, Basques, Provençal and Bretons!...
A lot of french presesidents and politics are actually from what you call "occitan": Chirac (correze, Limousin), Giscard D'Estaing (Auvergne), etc. Le Pen is Breton, Sarkozy is of Hungrian origins, etc.
" Votez Le Pen, votez Front National "
Fortunally Le Pen is dead (at least polically). Unfortunally a new kind of very antisemitic extreme right is booming, leaded by people like "Dieudonné" (ex anti-exteme right humorist) and Soral (ex extreme left intellectual)
The french government is elected by the Occitan, Basques, Provençal and Bretons!...
A lot of french presesidents and politics are actually from what you call "occitan": Chirac (correze, Limousin), Giscard D'Estaing (Auvergne), etc. Le Pen is Breton, Sarkozy is of Hungrian origins, etc.
" Votez Le Pen, votez Front National "
Fortunally Le Pen is dead (at least polically). Unfortunally a new kind of very antisemitic extreme right is booming, leaded by people like "Dieudonné" (ex anti-exteme right humorist) and Soral (ex extreme left intellectual)
"Russia belongs to the European culture, Turkey doesn't"
The definition of "European culture" is not a clear one. European mediterranean countries feel much closer to north Africa and middle east than to Russia... Istambul, Turkey has been the center of the eastern roman empire that lasted until the end of middle ages, its history is plainly joined to the European one, and is much closer toe the greco roman "roots" of Europe than most of the northern European countries.
The definition of "European culture" is not a clear one. European mediterranean countries feel much closer to north Africa and middle east than to Russia... Istambul, Turkey has been the center of the eastern roman empire that lasted until the end of middle ages, its history is plainly joined to the European one, and is much closer toe the greco roman "roots" of Europe than most of the northern European countries.
The definition of "European culture" is not a clear one. European mediterranean countries feel much closer to north Africa and middle east than to Russia...
You are wrong, I'm Spanish and feel closer to Russia than to Morocco. I woud never marry a Morccoan, but many Spaniards are married with Russians. North Africa has different religion and at least Russia is Christian.
You are wrong, I'm Spanish and feel closer to Russia than to Morocco. I woud never marry a Morccoan, but many Spaniards are married with Russians. North Africa has different religion and at least Russia is Christian.
You are wrong, I'm Spanish and feel closer to Russia than to Morocco. I woud never marry a Morccoan, but many Spaniards are married with Russians. North Africa has different religion and at least Russia is Christian.
Why so racist ? Morocan people are great! And many europeans are athéist.
Why so racist ? Morocan people are great! And many europeans are athéist.
We don't want Turkey in E.U because it share frontier with Irak and Iran. Imagine the Schengen zone with that!
Anyways, they are culturally Christian... You can be atheis but still your culture is Christian.
No es una cuestión de racismo, sino de que la gente se relaciona más con los que son similares a ellos . Con quién es más probable que tenga una relación sentimental un español, con una mujer de Marruecos que se viste con el velo y que no se le permite salir a la calle si no es en compañía de su padre o de su hermano, o con una mujer rusa que se viste a la manera occidental, que come las comidas de los españoles,que va a la discotecs y toma alcohol porque su religión no se lo prohibe, o tal vez siquiera profese un religión? Está claro que con la rusa. El estrecho de Gibraltar separa completamente dos esferas culturales.
No es una cuestión de racismo, sino de que la gente se relaciona más con los que son similares a ellos . Con quién es más probable que tenga una relación sentimental un español, con una mujer de Marruecos que se viste con el velo y que no se le permite salir a la calle si no es en compañía de su padre o de su hermano, o con una mujer rusa que se viste a la manera occidental, que come las comidas de los españoles,que va a la discotecs y toma alcohol porque su religión no se lo prohibe, o tal vez siquiera profese un religión? Está claro que con la rusa. El estrecho de Gibraltar separa completamente dos esferas culturales.
I don't drink alcohol and I don't go in nightclub ,and you know what : I'm not muslim.
And many muslim women don't wear the veil in Europe, you confuse extremist muslim and moderate muslim.
Of course, our cultures are different, and you have no chance to marry a muslim woman if you're not muslim, but you can still share food, music, works... with them.
And many muslim women don't wear the veil in Europe, you confuse extremist muslim and moderate muslim.
Of course, our cultures are different, and you have no chance to marry a muslim woman if you're not muslim, but you can still share food, music, works... with them.
Ok, you don't drink alcohol, but alcohol is very popular in Spain an not only in nightclubs: in discoteques , in local festivities. Also alcohol as food is important (wine, beer, etc..). Muslims, only because of their religion, are highly handicaped at integrating among us.
"And many muslim women don't wear the veil in Europe, you confuse extremist muslim and moderate muslim.
Not at least in Spain, where Muslims are first generation migrants and are still very attached to their traditions. Also they tend to live ghettoized so I wonder if generation afte generation they will become remotely Westernized.
"And many muslim women don't wear the veil in Europe, you confuse extremist muslim and moderate muslim.
Not at least in Spain, where Muslims are first generation migrants and are still very attached to their traditions. Also they tend to live ghettoized so I wonder if generation afte generation they will become remotely Westernized.