Why do non-native speakers overrate their English so much?

smiley   Fri May 22, 2009 6:02 pm GMT
"Why do non-native speakers overrate their English so much?"


Why do native english speaker overrate their language ?
Überguest   Fri May 22, 2009 7:36 pm GMT
Why do native speakers overrate their English so much?
Robin Michael   Fri May 22, 2009 8:29 pm GMT
I thought that posts on this topic would be really stupid but I was pleasantly surprised that there was quite an interesting discussion. I think that the simple answer as to why 'non-native speakers overrate their English' is because they have worked hard at learning a language.

Do 'native speakers overrate their English'?

Yes, I think they do sometimes. There are ignorant people in every country. That is why; foreign language schools often require Graduates when they employ native speakers.

When I was at school the 'French assistant' was young woman without very much status. So I do not think the idea of being a 'native speaker' in a foreign school is a very attractive option.

Unfortunately, learning a language is slow and difficult and it could be very expensive. So, people do the best they can. I would recommend 'livemocha.com'.

"Brevity is the soul of wit"

This could be a barbed comment on some of the rather longwinded posts by native English speakers. However I have found that this expression is quite difficult for foreign speakers of English.

:: Grammar and Spell Checking by Microsoft Word
Robin Michael   Fri May 22, 2009 8:36 pm GMT
Native Speakers are constantly exposed to the English language. They are constantly exposed to double meanings and new expressions. An intelligent person, particular someone interested in language is going to be aware of English as a language. Yesterday for instance, I looked up a word that was new to me, that I spotted on the credits at the end of a film.


Google: foley definition

Main Entry:
Fo·ley Listen to the pronunciation of Foley



often attributive

Jack D. Foley †1967 American sound technician

: sound effects created for a film <a Foley artist>

I don't know if that was a good or a bad example. Certainly not a straight forward example. The answer is a 'sound technician' specialising in 'background sounds'.
pop   Fri May 22, 2009 8:41 pm GMT
Native Speakers are constantly exposed to the English language. They are constantly exposed to double meanings and new expressions. An intelligent person, particular someone interested in language is going to be aware of English as a language. Yesterday for instance, I looked up a word that was new to me, that I spotted on the credits at the end of a film.


In the same for all the languages.

Why do native english speaker overrate their language ?
Exposed to intelligent pe   Fri May 22, 2009 8:45 pm GMT
"Brevity is the soul of wit"
Simon   Fri May 22, 2009 10:33 pm GMT
It's true that non-native speakers overrate their English a lot, but I have found they don't overrate their language skills as much as NATIVE ENGLISH speakers who learn other languages. It seems they think that, since they know more than 99% of the rest of monolingual English speakers, that they are automatically fluent. They must see all of the non-natives learning English easily and come to the conclusion that it is easy to learn foreign languages.
fraz   Sat May 23, 2009 10:54 am GMT
<<They must see all of the non-natives learning English easily and come to the conclusion that it is easy to learn foreign languages. >>

I don't think anyone learns English easily. Learning any language is a slow and painful process that takes years to perfect. There are nations where English is not the native tongue, yet the majority speak it very well, but this didn't happen overnight. If you are subjected to a barrage of English in the media and are exposed to years of intensive instruction in the education system then of course people will emerge as good English speakers - but they had to work to get there.

But you're right in the sense that many native English speakers totally underestimate the amount of time required to gain even basic competence in a language. Thousands of people sign up for classes and become disillusioned after a few months because they're still struggling, the "I'm no good at languages" excuse probably kicks in at this point. I've also spoken to a guy who works in a language training school and he says that companies sometimes send a complete beginner to them for an intensive course, fully expecting the poor guy to be able to negotiate business deals after 12 weeks!

I speak enough German to get around comfortably in the country without resorting to English, converse casually with natives and read simple newspaper articles but I realise that I'm a long way from being fluent. Yet a lot of fellow Brits think I'm fluent when they hear me in action because they are so unused to hearing a fellow countryman speak a foreign language.
Robin Michael   Sun May 24, 2009 6:12 pm GMT
Why do non-native speakers overrate their English so much?

Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has spent years learning English. They have been told they have natural ability, and they have spend a lot of time and money learning this language.

They are learning this language for a purpose. Generally, the purpose is to make money in some way. Quite often they will be paid as teachers of English.

So, when it comes to 'pay back time', of course they overestimate their knowledge of English. They are selling something. Their product, their skills are the best, buy from them. Otherwise the whole exercise is futile. Their sense of self worth, their confidence, even their ability to speak English, depends on them overrating their ability.
Shuimo   Sun May 24, 2009 6:22 pm GMT
You have been told you have natural ability?
Anyway, the OP claims that GERMANS overrate their English. It's just part of German character. They like to be uber.
Deutscher   Sun May 24, 2009 7:30 pm GMT
Anyway, the OP claims that GERMANS overrate their English. It's just part of German character. They like to be uber


Sorry ?
Robin Michael   Mon May 25, 2009 3:19 am GMT
Dear Shuimo

You have been told you have natural ability?

Have I been told that I have natural ability?

I know I have natural ability, possibly not in Languages, but I know I have natural ability.

I think 'Deutsher' is right, that you are not really explaining yourself. Although I know what you mean when you say that German people are 'uber'. However I should point out that this is a national stereotype that may, or may not be, very unfair.

What is 'OP'?

Explain yourself!
Netspeak   Mon May 25, 2009 3:29 am GMT
I believe that OP means either original post or usually original poster: e.g. the one that started the topic/thread.
Steve   Mon May 25, 2009 4:47 am GMT
From the article in #2:

He says that in multi-national meetings, Anglo-Saxons stand out as strange because they cling to their original language instead of using the elementary English adopted by colleagues from other countries.

Their florid phraseology and grammatical complexities are often incomprehensible, said Nerriere, who added: "One thing you never do in Globish is tell a joke. "

That seems rather hypocritical coming from a Frenchman.

Why wouldn Anglophones not cling to their original language? It seems rather arrogant to assume that a native speaker should "dumb down" their language just to accommodate non-native speakers who overrate their English abilities. English is not so easy as a lot of people might think.
Kaeops   Mon May 25, 2009 7:15 am GMT
If you don't understand a word, you look it up in the dictionary.