Let's say, someone's parents are both from Mexico City but the family moved to Argentina. This person grew up in Argentina all her life. Do you think this person would speak Argentine Spanish as her friends do or Mexican Spanish as her parents do?
If one's parents are from Mexico but grew up in Argentina??
Obviously he/she/it will speak Argentinian Spanish, not Mexican Spanish. Friends, teachers, TV, etc are stronger influence than one's parents.
Depends on the person. I knew a Brit who didn't learn American his whole life even though he came to America at 6 years of age.
It also depends if the 6 year old saw that his British accent gave him a chip on his shoulder; location and the masses in addition.
It's very difficult a Mexican will move to Argentina in fact is the opposite hordes of both legal and illegal Argentinians move to Mexico. The largest community of Argentinians living outside Argentina reside in Mexico. People coming form this country had a very bad reputation in Mexico and other Latin American countries. You can have an idea of the current state of the Argentinian economy and quality of life if many of their citizens want to live in Mexico (which expels large waves of their citizens to the US anyway).
Guest, tranquilo, nadamás vas a provocar malas respuestas de parte de nuestros amigos argentinos, la verdad es que si un niño mexicano se mueve a Argentina o cualquier otro país va a terminar hablando con el acento de ese país, de igual manera de cualquier latino se mueve a México o España o donde sea, va a terminar adquiriendo el acento local.
>> Depends on the person. I knew a Brit who didn't learn American his whole life even though he came to America at 6 years of age <<
It might sound British to Americans, but it would most certainly sound completely American to a British person.
It might sound British to Americans, but it would most certainly sound completely American to a British person.