彭 我喜欢与少女发生性行为.
LOL,我 ' 只有米开玩笑.
LOL,我 ' 只有米开玩笑.
What accent do you really hate? and which one you love?
I love standing by the Border stone at Carter Bar, looking south at the wondrous sight that is England......I can't believe my eyes when I behold the splendid vision before me.....whenever I am on that hallowed spot I can never resist the urge to fall to my knees, clasp my hands together and thank God for all that English munificence heading our way out of that verdant Blessed Plot, now stretching out before me and on into the beauteous Kielder Forest National Park. All that lovely dosh Adam speaks about!!....thanks a lot guys! Keep it up...we will ever be so dutifully and subordinately grateful.
Then I look at the even more superbly spectacular A69......and realise that that truly is THE most heavenly thing ever to come out of This England...... :-) (Said with tongue lodged in cheek just a wee tad).
<<As for the best accent, no one has said it yet, but to me nothing demonstrates friendliness, down-to-earthness, and modest intelligence like Minnesotan (not like in the movie Fargo, it is actually much more subtle)--although I am biased because that is where I'm from.>>
I agree--a typical Minnesotan accent does sound friendly, down-to-earth, and polite to me. Of course, maybe I'm a bit biased too--I'm not from Minnesota but my grandma is and she still retains a slight Minnesotan accent despite not having lived there for a long time. Some of the more extreme Minnesotan accents from people I've met from there just sound like living caricatures but they're still fun to listen to, I think.
Well, in my opinion, I think standard American accent and
BBC accent (RP) sound very persuasive, dynamique and clear. I love them when they're spoken clearly... I don't like Canadian accent that much (no offense to all Canadians out there) even though it's pretty much identical to American (with exceptions in some vowels)... Southern accents (Texan, deep south, etc.) sound disgusting. I mean, what can I say? New Yorkers and Boston accent sound okay, but sometimes they get pretty annoying after a while... Australian accent is okay, but I think for Australians, it really depends on who speaks it... and I LOVE Indian accent... even though sometimes they're hard to understand... I don't know...
NA, and others (not a preference, just answering the questions in order).
>>Well, in my opinion, I think standard American accent and
BBC accent (RP) sound very persuasive, dynamique and clear. I love them when they're spoken clearly... << One thing one must remember, though, is that General American (what you refer to as "standard American accent") is very inspecific in practice, and is defined more in terms of what it isn't than in terms of what it is. It is not a very sharply defined quantity as conservative RP is, but rather is commonly treated as a catch-all for North American English dialects spoken in the US which do not sound too markedly "accented" to most Americans, even when said dialects in practice do significantly differ from each other. For this reason, I tend towards treating "General American" as just the conservative formal speech used in broadcasting of the 1950s and 1960s, which was based on an idealized version of the speech of the southern Midwest in the period from the 1930s to the 1950s and which replaced the more RP-like non-rhotic variety which had been the acrolect in the US prior to the end of WW2. The reason why I normally narrow the meaning of "General American" is that I use GA as a reference to which other NAE dialects can be compared rather than as a grab bag of features with which a large range of NAE dialects can be called "standard". However, this is the linguist's usage of the term "General American", and not the layperson's, as most laypersons today will likely use the more broad and vague meaning of "General American".
An Irish accent is prbly the best :)
And Brooklyn accent is a bit annoying
I hate Irish accents.
When Irish males speak, their voices sound squeaky, as though they are garden gnomes that are speaking.
"their voices sound squeaky as though they are garden gnomes that are speaking"
LOL I dunno, they're ok. But I really like English accents, some more than others.
>> 听我厌恶所有在这个论坛上刊登您驴子洞. 去做些有益的事,而不是坐在电脑前面,你整天张贴烂! <<
What could be more useful than sitting in front of computers?
I personally think that the English accent rocks!
me being raised in England, and then coming to the U.S ,MY friends think it's rather lovely.......Manchester rules!!!!!!!
"their voices sound squeaky as though they are garden gnomes that are speaking"
Wow I didn't realise garden gnomes talked. Adam what planet are you from?
***Manchester rules!!!!!!!***
Which one....City or United? Old Trafford or Maine Road? :-) Alien Adam is from Planet Boltonia......
>I personally think that the English accent rocks!
me being raised in England, and then coming to the U.S ,MY friends think it's rather lovely.......Manchester rules!!!!!!!> Really? I could never consider going there. It's just too different, and I can't forget history. |