What accent do you really hate? and which one you love?
y do white people get called racists just because they r angry with wots happened to the country no1 can deny illegal immiggrants r pieces of shit
who impregnate women after their sob storys then leave them who r the ones who sit on the bus and dont give up their seat for old people or those with kids???? well im not white so i must be a white wannabe cos thats wot i think
I'd totally go to Edinburgh. You're all welcome to la belle province aussi, Montreal. ;) lol
"why is it that my posts get deleted but the racist posts stay up?"
Because you are a paddy.
"y do white people get called racists just because they r angry with wots happened to the country no1 can deny illegal immiggrants r pieces of shit
who impregnate women after their sob storys then leave them who r the ones who sit on the bus and dont give up their seat for old people or those with kids???? well im not white so i must be a white wannabe cos thats wot i think"
Thats not what the dogooders think so you must be wrong. People break the law and thy get rewarded, if you or I did it we would go to prison.
"Because you are a paddy."
Ahahahahaahahah how clever.
Actually I was born in London but had to move over here because my dad decided to setup his firm in dublin.But I do have an Irish and British passport so go f*ck yourself adam :-)
Well, Illegale Imigration doesn't help any one, and the ordeal they have to through to get into Britain is pretty harsh, so they are not hear for an easy ride, the same with asylum seekers, a fair system needs to be in place, when some one who genuinly will be killed if they go back to their country gets turned away, whilst a minority who are here to freeload get in (notice minority there) there is something wrong with the system.
This paranoia about any one new coming into this country needs a word, because its pretty much like racism, but this attitude crosses a whole crosssection of our population. "They are ok, untill they try to get into my country" thats pretty much what people are saying.
Do a bit of research onto this country, and not only will you see that the English have always been immigrants, but since the 1600s we have been taking in refugees, and ecenomic migrants, who have built this country.
The Bank Of England from Dutch and French protistant refugees,
The whole country was built by the Irish, who also influenced the English language greatly,
Marks and Spensers, Odeon Cinemas, Fish and Chips from Jewish migrants and refugees.
Did you know that one of the Roman Emperors was Black? And that he controled the entire of the Empire from the north of England, bringing over thousands of African Legionares, who stayed?
Durning the Napolionic wars, 40% of the British infantry was Black, and 15% of the Navy was as well. Just think, we would be speaking French if it wasnt for their input. A
All of this is just a small amount of examples.
So before you start calling for the borders to be closed, think about what great things could happen from new people coming to our country.
" "Because you are a paddy."
Ahahahahaahahah how clever.
Actually I was born in London but had to move over here because my dad decided to setup his firm in dublin.But I do have an Irish and British passport so go f*ck yourself adam :-)"
I'm not BNP.
Damian said: "Well, however which way you want to pronounce the name of my fair city, you're all welcome to come here at any time....."
I would love to take you up on your offer! Now, will you be faxing or emailing me an eTicket? ;-)
Anyhow, not to beat a dead horse... I was taught in school to pronounce your fine city "Edin-burrah", not "Edin-burrow". But I see that that wasn't correct either. :-(
"Edin-burrah" is much closer to the mark than "Edin-burrow"! Edin-burrah sounds like it's an Aussie effort! :-)
An open ended ticket to Edin-burrah now heading westwards to you! I know where you live.......you are photographic and I have a photogenic memory....or should that be the other way round? Aye...it should that!
23:15 : Bedtime here in Scotland now....guid nicht!
"Durning the Napolionic wars, 40% of the British infantry was Black"
I think not, my friend. You're clearly muddling your statistics. Where in heaven's name did you come up with this?
"Mongrel Nation" by Eddy Izzard, I must have miss heard the Historian. 15% in the Navy was correct I believe. Oops on my half there, any way my point was that alot of history has been conveniently unheard, despite to contribution from other sections of the English people. Though that statistic doesn't seem unreasonable to me, for some reason... Im an amature, mind.
I think most of you visit this site to solicit critics concerned mainly to the English language. This is an evil way to communicate addequately.
Nonsense answers get no facts but sencere ones do.
If English is difficult to learn, don't teach idiotic critics instead of helping to speak.
A lot of you, except me does know to write but not to speak, teach them the right way!
Guys, don't get mad and think your English aren't super great.
Great minds think alike, Jim C!
Irish all parts (north south) and Liverpool (grating) and in third place cockney followed closely by Welsh
Sorry any offended but can't help what my ears dislike