What accent do you really hate? and which one you love?

Uriel   Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:54 am GMT
Well, you can talk to us and ask questions.
American Latino   Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:03 pm GMT
I cant stand Australian, European, and California accents. To me their accents are very annoying, but im pretty sure they could be some nice people. The accent i love happens to be the one I talk, NYLE(new york latino english). Its definitately the best accent, and it is sooooo sexy to hear someone talk to you with that accent. Im puerto rican, and mostly everybody thats speaks NYLE is puerto rican or dominican. I like the way all hispanics speak english, except the mexican people in California. Mexicans in Texas have a pretty nice accent, hispanic Floridians have nice accents too. For the most part though, i would choose American(black, white, or latino) English over any other accents, even if its "ghetto". Its not a racial thing, its an ethnic/nationality thing.
Non-American non-Latino   Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:16 am GMT
I can't stand American and Latino accents. To me their accents are incredibly annoying, although I'm sure some of the perpetrators are nice people.

I particularly dislike the New York Latino English accent. It is definitely the worst accent of all, and it is incredibly off-putting to hear someone talk to you with that accent.

I dislike the way all Hispanics speak English. For the most part I would choose English, Scots, Irish, Australian or New Zealand English over any others, even if it's RP. This has nothing to do with racialism; it is simply an ethnic/ nationality viewpoint.
Anyone thinks RP is quite   Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:21 am GMT
Though RP is well known, I personally think people speaking with RP (perhaps except those news readers on TV or radio) in real life can't be less affected. They are simply putting on an air! Anyone agree with me?
Damian in Edinburgh   Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:00 pm GMT
***They are simply putting on an air!***

Don't you mean "talking on the air"?
Deborah   Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:45 pm GMT
"Putting on airs"
Sarah   Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:05 pm GMT
You all suck.. what the hell are u all talkin abotu. i freakin wanna know a british accent sooooooo bad...even tho i lived in south africa for seven years i have no british accent. maybe i should go to the Uk.
a.p.a.m.   Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:27 pm GMT
Boston U.S.A. English is truly hideous. "Pahk the cah".
howard   Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:24 pm GMT
Australian accent sound stupid..
Kiwi accent..is that an english?
Bernie   Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:34 pm GMT
You're all so stupid! The reason English is officially the world's most important language is because the U.S. is the world's most important country—which means that American English IS the world's most important language, not British English. As a non-native speaker of English and a French citizen, I find American aesthically pleasing, and I think the cockney accent sucks!
Liz   Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:54 pm GMT
>>The reason English is officially the world's most important language is because the U.S. is the world's most important country—which means that American English IS the world's most important language, not British English. <<
Who are you to decide which variety of English is the most important, Bernie? British and American English are equally important, if you insist on using the word "important". Both AmE and BrE are varieties of ENGLISH, both (at least their standard versions) are intelligible to people who speak the language, therefore it's no use talking about their importance! English is a tool of intercultural communication, not a matter of power relations!

>>As a non-native speaker of English and a French citizen, I find American aesthically pleasing, and I think the cockney accent sucks!<<

You have the right to decide which variety you prefer but this is strictly a matter of aesthetics. Please get over your emotional issues and don't call others stupid just because you don't agree with them. And, of course BRITISH ENGLISH IS NOT JUST COCKNEY...
yife   Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:07 am GMT
Australian accent sound stupid..
Kiwi accent..is that an english?

lol I just find this comment amusing as I happen to live in down under.
mightily pretentious RP   Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:44 am GMT
How many people are really speaking RP in Britain? Don't u think those RP speakers are pretentious and affected?
OI!   Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:46 am GMT
Hey if thers any Australians reading, do you find you speak with a stronger accent when theres foreigners around. Say Americans or British people. I speak with a pretty strong accent (Australian) but I use words I'd never normaly say when there are non-austrlians around.
Ozzie   Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:14 am GMT
No, not really, but I just feel more "Aussie", and somewhat more self-conscious about my accent--I mean it's just so different to any other!