Arsetralians are all of the negative stereotypes that Americans are supposed to be: Fat, stupid, obnoxious, bragging, nationalistic pigs. I think that the McDonald's pic was taken in Arsetralia, where the fat Arssie kids shove more grease-dripping garbage down their overworked gobs per capita than any other country on earth. Whaddyareckon, sport?
What accent do you really hate? and which one you love?
''can you distinguish Canadians from Americans by their accents?''
Not really. Canadians sound Californian.
That's why they feel at home in California. ;)
Not really. Canadians sound Californian.
That's why they feel at home in California. ;)
Duh, stating the obvious, Seppo dudes. Dude! Of course that pic was taken in Ahseeland, the 51st state of the US (short for US & A.)
What you're describing is the averaging out effect. McUpSizeMe is trying to bring Ahseeland up to par with the obesity standard of US & A.
What you're describing is the averaging out effect. McUpSizeMe is trying to bring Ahseeland up to par with the obesity standard of US & A.
How are you going to die?
Maybe they should get an accent teacher?
Maybe they should get an accent teacher?
Looking at the most recent posts I can tell that most of these people are stupid Americans because they always agree with each other and they know nothing about Australia. Seppo that Mcdonalds pic was taken in America you idiot and next time make sure you spell Australia right. Kendra you are also an idiot you have never been to Australia and your saying that Australians sound silly, Americans accents are not perfect either so you should shut up. Americans if you listen to what Morgan Spurlock said in Super Size Me you would know that America has the fattest people in the world. Stop eating at Mcdonalds, KFC, Taco Bell and start eating some healthy food. If you went to Australia you would know
that it is better than America. At least Australia isn't loud and crowded
like American is.
that it is better than America. At least Australia isn't loud and crowded
like American is.
>>How are you going to die?
Maybe they should get an accent teacher?<<
Another American that knows nothing about Australia, your knowledge about other countries is poor just like most Americans. Were you listening to an American who failed to copy an Aussie accents or were you assuming that Australians say die instead of day. The comment you posted proves that Americans are stupid rednecks who should be shot.
Maybe they should get an accent teacher?<<
Another American that knows nothing about Australia, your knowledge about other countries is poor just like most Americans. Were you listening to an American who failed to copy an Aussie accents or were you assuming that Australians say die instead of day. The comment you posted proves that Americans are stupid rednecks who should be shot.
I agree with Australian Man, Yanks are stupid and they have no knowledge
about our great country. They think we all sound like Steve Irwin, what a bunch of idiots. Americans have no right to disagree with Australia Man
because America is really screwed up.
about our great country. They think we all sound like Steve Irwin, what a bunch of idiots. Americans have no right to disagree with Australia Man
because America is really screwed up.
'On ya Guest (and Mr A. Man of course.) Thanks for making us look "great" foolishly and like attention turds at the same time.
I am an American and I can honestly say we had been dealt a bad hand when it comes to our accents. Of course I have never heard my accent, but I would guess that I sound slow and stupid. Not that saying that I am slow and stupid, but I am sure that is how I would probably be perceived, base upon my accent alone. However, America does not just have one accent, so it is impossible to say there is just one accent. In fact because our culture is so diverse, we have the benefit of several different accents from one language. I have never been to Scotland, but I do hear the Scottish accent from time to time, and I have to admit I like that one the best.