Maybe you should ask your question in German?
I don't see the point. It just happens that I don't know any German who really did Latin.
Lingva Latina per se illustrata is the best Latin course I could find, it's "per se" and "illustrata", apparently, but the test is read to you by some old man with an amazing voice, and furthermore there are "pensae" at the end of each "capitulae", where you put the right words/endings and answer some questions in Latin. It's awesome I must say, and in Russia, the land of relative liberty from the evil of capitalism, totally free :> If you know English, the self-illustratedness of it won't be a problem for you most of the time.
"I don't see the point. It just happens that I don't know any German who really did Latin."
If you ask in German, maybe some Germans will reply-German teachers of Latin, or you could ask over at My-Language-Site-Has-A-Really-Long-Name-From-A-Book.com.