why do we still make the distinction between England and Britain ?
English Is the Best Language in the World
Really? So England is such an unattractive place to live?
That must be why immigrants flock there in the thousands, and passing spain by (a matter of taste I assume). Jealousy is such a terrible thing, try to control it rather than it controlling you.
That must be why immigrants flock there in the thousands, and passing spain by (a matter of taste I assume). Jealousy is such a terrible thing, try to control it rather than it controlling you.
Pretty much everything in Canada is written in at least English and French, manuals, food labels, every government document, etc. Hell in Quebec, because of the language laws, bookstores label shelves of English language books in French and English.
<<That must be why immigrants flock there in the thousands, and passing spain by (a matter of taste I assume).>>
that would be very good for Spain if it was true, but sadly most of the inmigrants who set foot on Spain have the intention to stay in Spain permanently. Who would like to live in a country with less human development index, and with shuch terrible weather , people and food? Considering many of these inmigrants come from African countries colonized by UK , Spain should kick their asses and send them straight to Picadilly Circus.
that would be very good for Spain if it was true, but sadly most of the inmigrants who set foot on Spain have the intention to stay in Spain permanently. Who would like to live in a country with less human development index, and with shuch terrible weather , people and food? Considering many of these inmigrants come from African countries colonized by UK , Spain should kick their asses and send them straight to Picadilly Circus.
***Spain should kick their asses and send them straight to Picadilly Circus***
I'm very sorry to inform you but PiCCadilly Circus is full to the brim right now.....take it from me it's true as I've seen it for myself.....jammed solid not only with immigrants (many of whom have lied and cheated and blagged their way through the system and illegally ripping off the genuine UK taxpayers and social welfare programs at the same time in all sorts of incredible scams) but also with hordes of foreign tourists all jabbering away at top decibel range in their own respective languages.
It so often feels like a cull is called for but that wouldn't be nice would it......unlike many other countries basic human rights are actually well recognised in nasty vile Little Britain.
As for all those obnoxious and heinous Brits now resident in Spain or there on binge drinking Club 18-30 rampaging weekend breaks or fortnights in the sun escapades are virtually holding together the increasingly fragile and tenuous Spanish economy where everything runs on a sort of manana mentality where promises and guarantees are actually worth less than the paper they are written on. The tapas bars are very nice though, and the sangria is out of this world....
Armada (what happened to the rest of your handle? - it really iS time for you to work on your spelling and grammar. England has shuch terrible weather? Have you been at the pop bottle again, pal? It's time it was locked away and out of your reach.
The day the UK has hurricanes, tornadoes, massive earthquakes, devastating droughts, cyclones and surging floods, blizzards and ice storms, plagues of locusts and swarms of killer bees, lethal snakes and insects, stinking swamps and burning hot deserts, vile viruses and God knows what else is the day we all agree that Britain has "shuch terrible weather" and all manner of life threatening hazards and all shuch horrors, so piss off to where you came from.
I'm in a kind of intense zenophobic mood today....I wish we could close all our borders and airports and seaports and keep out anyone who actually wants to come here in the first place, to whom I would love to say "Sod off!" Like yourself, Armada.....which was actually a very glorious period of British history...keeping all those nasty Spaniards at bay....with the help of the elements, so even the Almighty was on our side, as it was in the Summer of 1940, against all odds with no help whatsoever from any bloody foreigners.
Go and invent your own (bleeping) languages and leave English to us, the Brits you so despise.
Have you ever been to Rye, in East Sussex? It's about the most beautiful ittle place I've ever been to and the restaurants are amazingly good. Henry James lived in Rye, so that's a recommendation in itself...the house he lived in is divine. E F Benson, whose father was once the Archbishop of Canterbury, was Mayor of Rye twice, and he wrote all the Mapp and Licia books, which I first learned about only recently...the style of English he used in those books was quite exquisite. I suggest all Brits read them as they are now part of our heritage.
I'm very sorry to inform you but PiCCadilly Circus is full to the brim right now.....take it from me it's true as I've seen it for myself.....jammed solid not only with immigrants (many of whom have lied and cheated and blagged their way through the system and illegally ripping off the genuine UK taxpayers and social welfare programs at the same time in all sorts of incredible scams) but also with hordes of foreign tourists all jabbering away at top decibel range in their own respective languages.
It so often feels like a cull is called for but that wouldn't be nice would it......unlike many other countries basic human rights are actually well recognised in nasty vile Little Britain.
As for all those obnoxious and heinous Brits now resident in Spain or there on binge drinking Club 18-30 rampaging weekend breaks or fortnights in the sun escapades are virtually holding together the increasingly fragile and tenuous Spanish economy where everything runs on a sort of manana mentality where promises and guarantees are actually worth less than the paper they are written on. The tapas bars are very nice though, and the sangria is out of this world....
Armada (what happened to the rest of your handle? - it really iS time for you to work on your spelling and grammar. England has shuch terrible weather? Have you been at the pop bottle again, pal? It's time it was locked away and out of your reach.
The day the UK has hurricanes, tornadoes, massive earthquakes, devastating droughts, cyclones and surging floods, blizzards and ice storms, plagues of locusts and swarms of killer bees, lethal snakes and insects, stinking swamps and burning hot deserts, vile viruses and God knows what else is the day we all agree that Britain has "shuch terrible weather" and all manner of life threatening hazards and all shuch horrors, so piss off to where you came from.
I'm in a kind of intense zenophobic mood today....I wish we could close all our borders and airports and seaports and keep out anyone who actually wants to come here in the first place, to whom I would love to say "Sod off!" Like yourself, Armada.....which was actually a very glorious period of British history...keeping all those nasty Spaniards at bay....with the help of the elements, so even the Almighty was on our side, as it was in the Summer of 1940, against all odds with no help whatsoever from any bloody foreigners.
Go and invent your own (bleeping) languages and leave English to us, the Brits you so despise.
Have you ever been to Rye, in East Sussex? It's about the most beautiful ittle place I've ever been to and the restaurants are amazingly good. Henry James lived in Rye, so that's a recommendation in itself...the house he lived in is divine. E F Benson, whose father was once the Archbishop of Canterbury, was Mayor of Rye twice, and he wrote all the Mapp and Licia books, which I first learned about only recently...the style of English he used in those books was quite exquisite. I suggest all Brits read them as they are now part of our heritage.
MY rushed spelling is down to your level, Armada....the shame is mine.
It is of course Mapp and Lucia.
Rye - the most beautiful little place
That's all - I can't be arsed to check out all my other typos.
It is of course Mapp and Lucia.
Rye - the most beautiful little place
That's all - I can't be arsed to check out all my other typos.
Damian, your messages are so boring and lacking any substance. I must admit though that saying nothing with so many words can be considered an art, personally I could not do that (not even in my native tongue). The only thing that caught my attention was that one you said about the English drunkards who go to Spain on holidays. Do you really think that they hold the Spanish economy? . As far as I know tourism accounts for 10% of Spanish GDP and also there are more tourists who choose Spain aside from the English ones, like the Germans for example. These tourists are more desirable in my opinion (basically they spend more money). Not only Spanish economy but the British one as well has seen better days by the way. I hope you have someone who hold your economy too because you're gonna need it ... Modern economies are all related in so many ways and if one is affected negatively the rest ones too, but I don't think that it would be such a desaster for Spain if the British lumpenproletariat ceases arriving to Spain to buy cheap wine and to polute the Spanish streets with their absolute lack of urbanity. Well, indeed it would be a desaster for quite a few garbage men who would lose their job.
<<Go and invent your own (bleeping) languages and leave English to us, the Brits you so despise. >>
You are wrong, you should have said "leave England to the British", or whomever wants she. Remember that English is not the language of the British only. In fact if many millions of people across the globe learn English nowadays it is due to a country called USA where English is spoken too and not to England, Great Britain or whatever name that small country has. As I said before the English consider themselves the center of the world and you prove my statement by believing English belongs to the British ("leave Anglish to us the Brits"). That way of thinking coming from a British is strange because they are in reality irrelevant in the international stage. Aren't you teached in Britian (ey, Edward the teacher, were are you...), that the days of the British Empire are gone?.
You are wrong, you should have said "leave England to the British", or whomever wants she. Remember that English is not the language of the British only. In fact if many millions of people across the globe learn English nowadays it is due to a country called USA where English is spoken too and not to England, Great Britain or whatever name that small country has. As I said before the English consider themselves the center of the world and you prove my statement by believing English belongs to the British ("leave Anglish to us the Brits"). That way of thinking coming from a British is strange because they are in reality irrelevant in the international stage. Aren't you teached in Britian (ey, Edward the teacher, were are you...), that the days of the British Empire are gone?.
<<Considering many of these inmigrants come from African countries colonized by UK , Spain should kick their asses and send them straight to Picadilly Circus. >>
Given that Spain colonized much of Latin America, perhaps the US should send (or at least offer free transport) over to Spain all the new undocumented Latin American immigrants.
Given that Spain colonized much of Latin America, perhaps the US should send (or at least offer free transport) over to Spain all the new undocumented Latin American immigrants.
<<Given that Spain colonized much of Latin America, perhaps the US should send (or at least offer free transport) over to Spain all the new undocumented Latin American immigrants. >>
Given that USA colonized half of the Mexican territory (California, Arizona, Texas...) perhaps the Mexican illegal immigrants in USA are in reality very few compared to the many millions more USA deserves . Haha.
Given that USA colonized half of the Mexican territory (California, Arizona, Texas...) perhaps the Mexican illegal immigrants in USA are in reality very few compared to the many millions more USA deserves . Haha.
<< Do you really think that they hold the Spanish economy? . As far as I know tourism accounts for 10% of Spanish GDP and also there are more tourists who choose Spain aside from the English ones, like the Germans for example.>>
Isn't 10% of GDP from tourism a lot, though.
Isn't 10% of GDP from tourism a lot, though.
Yeah, such percentage seems to be above the average. In USA it's only 5%.
"Given that USA colonized half of the Mexican territory (California, Arizona, Texas...) perhaps the Mexican illegal immigrants in USA are in reality very few compared to the many millions more USA deserves . Haha."
That argument is frequently heard in the Mexican-American community, who have forgotten that they themselves stole Mexico from the Indians.
That argument is frequently heard in the Mexican-American community, who have forgotten that they themselves stole Mexico from the Indians.
I suppose these tourism figures could include both domestic and international tourists. If you head over to the next town to have lunch, maybe it counts as tourism. Maybe business trips are included, too.
<<That argument is frequently heard in the Mexican-American community, who have forgotten that they themselves stole Mexico from the Indians>>
What are you talking about? Look at the Mexicans' faces. They are pretty much Indians ,not to mention those who live in the south of Mexico (pure indian stock). The story goes like this: the Spaniards stole Mexico from the Indians. The Indians rebelled against the Spaniards and recovered Mexico. USA took some parts of Mexico from the Indians. Later many Indians from Mexico migrated to California and Texas to spread their Indian blood.
What are you talking about? Look at the Mexicans' faces. They are pretty much Indians ,not to mention those who live in the south of Mexico (pure indian stock). The story goes like this: the Spaniards stole Mexico from the Indians. The Indians rebelled against the Spaniards and recovered Mexico. USA took some parts of Mexico from the Indians. Later many Indians from Mexico migrated to California and Texas to spread their Indian blood.