Is English English comtamined by American English?
Is English English comtamined by American English?
What do you think? That there is a purity movement in England to remove all American words? Of course not. Many words cross back and forth. However, there are some words that people from one country knows that they use in the other country, and would understand just fine, but would rarely, if ever, use them themselves.
guest Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:45 pm GMT
Please explain what it is to be comtamined.
Oh, a typo here!
It should be "contamined"!
Please explain what it is to be comtamined.
Oh, a typo here!
It should be "contamined"!
gen Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:41 pm GMT
What do you think? That there is a purity movement in England to remove all American words? Of course not. Many words cross back and forth. However, there are some words that people from one country knows that they use in the other country, and would understand just fine, but would rarely, if ever, use them themselves.
Then is ENlgish English revolutionized by American English?
What do you think? That there is a purity movement in England to remove all American words? Of course not. Many words cross back and forth. However, there are some words that people from one country knows that they use in the other country, and would understand just fine, but would rarely, if ever, use them themselves.
Then is ENlgish English revolutionized by American English?
<<Oh, a typo here!
It should be "contamined"!>>
Okay. Then please explain what it is to be contamined.
It should be "contamined"!>>
Okay. Then please explain what it is to be contamined.
guest Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:21 am GMT
<<Oh, a typo here!
It should be "contamined"!>>
Okay. Then please explain what it is to be contamined.
another typo!
<<Oh, a typo here!
It should be "contamined"!>>
Okay. Then please explain what it is to be contamined.
another typo!
Well i wouldn't say it has been contaminated as that suggests that there is something incorrect with American English - which is not true. But has English English become completely and utterly under the influence of American English - oh yes!!
I am coming across new Americanisms all the time - infact I may start doing a post on each new Americanism I come across - why would I want to do that?? Well I suppose the whitewash of a countries language is a pretty bloody big deal that is why!
I can't believe the English gave in so easily!!
I am coming across new Americanisms all the time - infact I may start doing a post on each new Americanism I come across - why would I want to do that?? Well I suppose the whitewash of a countries language is a pretty bloody big deal that is why!
I can't believe the English gave in so easily!!
The English "gave in so easily" to Scandinavian, French, and other linguistic influences over the centuries. They even went looking for new Greek and Latin influences when science became a popular academic study. Why should it suddenly be so awful to borrow terms from other branches of their OWN language?
Uriel - that is an absolutely abismal attempt to try and in some way make sense of the Americanisation of British English.
But you are a yank and so I can forgive you of your absolute ignorance. But I have to ask - how the fuck can you compare the yankisisation of English to - let's be real (when we consider the age of which we are talking about) -simply peoples quest, at the time, for KNOWLEDGE - it has no comparision to what is happening now???
Of course the English were influnced by the science of what may/was happening in Europe just like any country or academics or scolars or what have you would have been interested by the advancements of any other civilisation - but what does that have to do with my comment that I made earlier??
Each and every country has benefited in some way from the adavancements of another - what did America invent film??? Photography??? Aeroplanes??? Telly?? The phone??? The ....Hamburger??? So sod right off with your smart aleck bollocks.
America hasn't invented a fucking thing of note from which the ground work hadn't already been laid... the net....thats's right yank - the English.
You are an ignorant yank and one that does not live HERE so you know BUGGER ALL. Do not try and comapare the absolute domination of insipid American media in all it's sporous forms which has infected every possible medium to what happened in centuries past.
That was entirely different - that was, I supoose nature - a nation learning from another and improving on it (in it's bare essentials). The Americanisation of our country IS NOT an improvement is it?????????? Nor is it an advancement - it is merely replacing like for like - an homoginasation of English speaking countries.
You are, like most yanks - so clueless. This is why so many hate you. But still, you just haven't got it.
What is happening now is off NO benefit to this country what so ever - it is a linguistic, no sod it - it is an overall takeover of what it was to be English.
We don't dress as English no more, we don't eat as English no more, we don't talk as English no more and even sadder - we don't act as English no more.
If all of a sudden English films and English terms such as Wanker, twat, codswallop etc etc became normal use in America I just know what you would come out with Uriel - so fuck off! You have no idea what is happening here because - well... you DON'T LIVE HERE DO YOU??? So what in God's name do you know?????
But you are a yank and so I can forgive you of your absolute ignorance. But I have to ask - how the fuck can you compare the yankisisation of English to - let's be real (when we consider the age of which we are talking about) -simply peoples quest, at the time, for KNOWLEDGE - it has no comparision to what is happening now???
Of course the English were influnced by the science of what may/was happening in Europe just like any country or academics or scolars or what have you would have been interested by the advancements of any other civilisation - but what does that have to do with my comment that I made earlier??
Each and every country has benefited in some way from the adavancements of another - what did America invent film??? Photography??? Aeroplanes??? Telly?? The phone??? The ....Hamburger??? So sod right off with your smart aleck bollocks.
America hasn't invented a fucking thing of note from which the ground work hadn't already been laid... the net....thats's right yank - the English.
You are an ignorant yank and one that does not live HERE so you know BUGGER ALL. Do not try and comapare the absolute domination of insipid American media in all it's sporous forms which has infected every possible medium to what happened in centuries past.
That was entirely different - that was, I supoose nature - a nation learning from another and improving on it (in it's bare essentials). The Americanisation of our country IS NOT an improvement is it?????????? Nor is it an advancement - it is merely replacing like for like - an homoginasation of English speaking countries.
You are, like most yanks - so clueless. This is why so many hate you. But still, you just haven't got it.
What is happening now is off NO benefit to this country what so ever - it is a linguistic, no sod it - it is an overall takeover of what it was to be English.
We don't dress as English no more, we don't eat as English no more, we don't talk as English no more and even sadder - we don't act as English no more.
If all of a sudden English films and English terms such as Wanker, twat, codswallop etc etc became normal use in America I just know what you would come out with Uriel - so fuck off! You have no idea what is happening here because - well... you DON'T LIVE HERE DO YOU??? So what in God's name do you know?????
"Apologies for my spelling and grammar mistakes - who really cares??? "
That must be all the "American" influence coming out.....
That must be all the "American" influence coming out.....
LMAO! Well, gosh, if we're so awful, why do you keep mimicking us?
People like you like to act like it's something being imposed on you by us -- you like to use terms like "infection" and "domination' to absolve yourselves of any actual responsibility. As if you open your mouths to say "gobshite" or "wanker" and somehow "motherfucker" or "asshole" mysteriously pops out, through no fault of your own.
But no. It's a choice you've made. You have control over what you say, how you dress, what you eat, and how you act. You aren't passive victims of some cultural crime being perpetrated on you from afar. You've actively sought it out ... and made it your own.
You, in other words, have only yourselves to blame.
But your impotent ranting is amusing to read. Keep it up!
People like you like to act like it's something being imposed on you by us -- you like to use terms like "infection" and "domination' to absolve yourselves of any actual responsibility. As if you open your mouths to say "gobshite" or "wanker" and somehow "motherfucker" or "asshole" mysteriously pops out, through no fault of your own.
But no. It's a choice you've made. You have control over what you say, how you dress, what you eat, and how you act. You aren't passive victims of some cultural crime being perpetrated on you from afar. You've actively sought it out ... and made it your own.
You, in other words, have only yourselves to blame.
But your impotent ranting is amusing to read. Keep it up!