Yo odio a los catalanes que no hablan español nativamente, hay que exterminarlos en camaras de gas.
Iberian languages
¿Pero es que hay alguien, exceptuando su familia, ETA y los nacionalistas, que no odie a ZP? Los 5 millones de parados no deben tenerle mucho cariño...
El sistema no me deja sss, no me queda dinero ni para salir a la calle (hipoteca + gastos (comer,vestir,comunidad vecinos, gas, luz, telefono movil, prestamo coche, gasolina,coche, seguro, coche ¿eh?) - ingresos, mortage + expenditure - incoming), salvo a robar...me queda la emigracion eso si... y lo pienso muy seriamente por los motivos anteriormente expuestos
¿y sabes? este problema lo tenemos la mayoria de los jovenes y parados mayores/jovenes de este pais... millones, que les importa una mierda la cultura y el idioma pagado con dinero publico y quieren una vida que el sistema socio-economico español no les puede dar y enciman ven que la cosa va a peor, que van a vivir peor que sus padres.
No odio al sector publico, me fastidia la hipocresia y fractura social entre una minoria de 'siervos y representantes del pueblo' que tienen el poder, los recursos el dinero privilegios y los que no lo tenemos y encima trabajamos para ellos. Esa fractura hay que quitarla y tambien la hipocresia sobre representacion y servicio del pueblo, estan para chupar.
En el sector publico solo deberia haber maquinas que no saben robar... todavia no y una democracia real electronica para quitarnos a los politicos de encima, no nos representan ni nos sirven, estan para hacer negocio.
Mirad lo que le paso a la tal Cirilia por no tener inmersion linguistica en ingles. Ya no es solo que no te dan trabajo, es que te quitan ya los hijos.Tal vez los padres españoles/catalanes si quieran una inmersion linguistica en ingles y mandar a la mierda cualquier conocimiento/ idioma que no favorezca el futuro de las personas, que no den de comer al pueblo no politico/no funcionarial.
La hija que Cirila perdió por no saber inglés
Un tribunal de EE UU retira la custodia de su hija a una inmigrante
¿y sabes? este problema lo tenemos la mayoria de los jovenes y parados mayores/jovenes de este pais... millones, que les importa una mierda la cultura y el idioma pagado con dinero publico y quieren una vida que el sistema socio-economico español no les puede dar y enciman ven que la cosa va a peor, que van a vivir peor que sus padres.
No odio al sector publico, me fastidia la hipocresia y fractura social entre una minoria de 'siervos y representantes del pueblo' que tienen el poder, los recursos el dinero privilegios y los que no lo tenemos y encima trabajamos para ellos. Esa fractura hay que quitarla y tambien la hipocresia sobre representacion y servicio del pueblo, estan para chupar.
En el sector publico solo deberia haber maquinas que no saben robar... todavia no y una democracia real electronica para quitarnos a los politicos de encima, no nos representan ni nos sirven, estan para hacer negocio.
Mirad lo que le paso a la tal Cirilia por no tener inmersion linguistica en ingles. Ya no es solo que no te dan trabajo, es que te quitan ya los hijos.Tal vez los padres españoles/catalanes si quieran una inmersion linguistica en ingles y mandar a la mierda cualquier conocimiento/ idioma que no favorezca el futuro de las personas, que no den de comer al pueblo no politico/no funcionarial.
La hija que Cirila perdió por no saber inglés
Un tribunal de EE UU retira la custodia de su hija a una inmigrante
Harman, voy a explicarte una cosa. En este pais hay 1 funcionario por cada 17 personas, una de las tasas más altas del mundo. Esto ocurre asi por varios motivos, dos principalmente. El gran número de servicios públicos que presta el estado y la más importante, los 17 reinos de taifas que coexisten a duras penas en un pais llamado españa. Entre administración estatal, autonómica, provincial y local se pierden buena parte de los casi 3 millones de parásitos chupatintas como Mallorquí o Testimoni que no tienen ni oficio ni beneficio.
Yo también soy joven pero no me planteo emigrar a ningún lado. Tengo la suerte de ser webmaster de varios sitios de internet, en teoria puedo trabajar en cualquier lugar del mundo aunque estoy cómodo en mi ciudad, Madrid. Mis padres son de clase media, la clase media en madrid es diferente a otros lugares de españa, aqui hasta que llegó la crisis, el que trabajaba mucho al final tenía mucho, como mis padres con tres casas, plazas de garaje y alguna cosita más por ahí.
Y aqui las soluciones: Harman, si quieres un país mejor, en el que en tiempos de depresión el estado no suba el sueldo a los funcionarios ni cree 85.000 puestos de trabajo para los chupatintas cuando el sector privado los destruye, entonces tendrás que luchar para crear un estado centralizado en el que el estado tenga todas las competencias, destruir las comunidades autónomas, solo provincias como en francia, cambiar la ley electoral para hacer imposible que partidos nacionalistas llegen a condicionar la vida de todo un pais..... ya sabes, o un estado centralizado o una guerra de los balcanes, no hay más soluciones para donde nos ha tocado vivir.
Yo también soy joven pero no me planteo emigrar a ningún lado. Tengo la suerte de ser webmaster de varios sitios de internet, en teoria puedo trabajar en cualquier lugar del mundo aunque estoy cómodo en mi ciudad, Madrid. Mis padres son de clase media, la clase media en madrid es diferente a otros lugares de españa, aqui hasta que llegó la crisis, el que trabajaba mucho al final tenía mucho, como mis padres con tres casas, plazas de garaje y alguna cosita más por ahí.
Y aqui las soluciones: Harman, si quieres un país mejor, en el que en tiempos de depresión el estado no suba el sueldo a los funcionarios ni cree 85.000 puestos de trabajo para los chupatintas cuando el sector privado los destruye, entonces tendrás que luchar para crear un estado centralizado en el que el estado tenga todas las competencias, destruir las comunidades autónomas, solo provincias como en francia, cambiar la ley electoral para hacer imposible que partidos nacionalistas llegen a condicionar la vida de todo un pais..... ya sabes, o un estado centralizado o una guerra de los balcanes, no hay más soluciones para donde nos ha tocado vivir.
Nossa! Como vocês se iludem! Apontam dados, estastísticas, amostras e conclusões sobre algo que é completamente difícil de aferir: Qual País é melhor que o outro!
Se não me engano, é isto que se passa neste Fórum! As pessoas por algum motivo de baixa autoestima, vêm aqui para derramar sobre os outros um tipo de xenofobia enlatada. Algo como "lavar roupa suja, fora de casa". É inútil ademais de ser "chato pra caramba".
Eu entrei neste fórum, porque me interesso em diferentes idiomas. Amo o Idioma Português, Italiano e Francês e tinha esperanças de encontrar aqui pessoas despidas de egoísmos e infantilidades tão inerentes ao nosso Mundo atual!
Mas pelo que posso constatar as pessoas estão se tornando cada vez mais fúteis!
Por favor! Vamos conversar sobre algo realmente construtivo!
Se não me engano, é isto que se passa neste Fórum! As pessoas por algum motivo de baixa autoestima, vêm aqui para derramar sobre os outros um tipo de xenofobia enlatada. Algo como "lavar roupa suja, fora de casa". É inútil ademais de ser "chato pra caramba".
Eu entrei neste fórum, porque me interesso em diferentes idiomas. Amo o Idioma Português, Italiano e Francês e tinha esperanças de encontrar aqui pessoas despidas de egoísmos e infantilidades tão inerentes ao nosso Mundo atual!
Mas pelo que posso constatar as pessoas estão se tornando cada vez mais fúteis!
Por favor! Vamos conversar sobre algo realmente construtivo!
Evinoria tienes razon...estamos off topic.
Pero el futuro de este pais para los jovenes es muy negro, tu Brazil esta subiendo pero España esta bajando y a toda velocidad y ya veras este invierno la que se va a montar...espero conservar mi trabajo... aunque sea una mierda.
Bueno volviendo al topic cuantos lenguajes hay en la peninsula iberica
Tenemos gallego, fable, castellano/español, fala aragonesa, aranes, portugues, ¿algun otro idioma en portugal?
Tambien esta el fragatino (franja del rio Cinca, testimoni y/o mallorqui no le gustara, pero conozco a Fragatinos y gente de Monzon y son anti catalanes, Lleida go home, y no quieren que su idioma sea absorvido por el catalan quieren su fragatino y se sienten españoles.
Por cierto Testimoni baje el rio Cinca con mis amigos fragatinos y monzonenses, buen ambiente la verdad, y la mayoria de la gente hablaba español.
Pero el futuro de este pais para los jovenes es muy negro, tu Brazil esta subiendo pero España esta bajando y a toda velocidad y ya veras este invierno la que se va a montar...espero conservar mi trabajo... aunque sea una mierda.
Bueno volviendo al topic cuantos lenguajes hay en la peninsula iberica
Tenemos gallego, fable, castellano/español, fala aragonesa, aranes, portugues, ¿algun otro idioma en portugal?
Tambien esta el fragatino (franja del rio Cinca, testimoni y/o mallorqui no le gustara, pero conozco a Fragatinos y gente de Monzon y son anti catalanes, Lleida go home, y no quieren que su idioma sea absorvido por el catalan quieren su fragatino y se sienten españoles.
Por cierto Testimoni baje el rio Cinca con mis amigos fragatinos y monzonenses, buen ambiente la verdad, y la mayoria de la gente hablaba español.
he he... It's the Balkanization of Spain. In 2020, after 5 years of wars and exterminations inside Spain, NATO will finally agree to bomb all the conflicting parts in Spain so as to put an end to the carnage of the 2nd Spanish civil war (2015-2020). It's the same fate of the former Yugoslavia.
Harman says: "sea absorvido"...
This guy can't possibly be Spanish: "absorvido"? You need spelling classes, mate!
Well at least we know what's it's all about, don't we?
Joao, I wouldn't worry. I don't believe there will be a 2nd Spanish Civil War. Spain is a civilised country regardless of all the buggers in this thread.
I've got to much work and my holidays have ended. I happen to work more than 10 hours per day just for a living. In my spare time -amongst many other things- I make sure people understand and speak Catalan. It doesn't take me any extra time since it's the language I speak the most.
I'm ready to speak English or even Spanish to tourists. If they speak a language I can't understand and they don't speak English or even Spanish -most of the tourists who come here don't know Spanish- I will speak in Catalan and do my best to have myself understand (mimics are often useful).
I leave Imperialist Spaniards with their little Castilian-Spain whilst we'll continue being a part of Europe. Thanks God they're not all the same!
This guy can't possibly be Spanish: "absorvido"? You need spelling classes, mate!
Well at least we know what's it's all about, don't we?
Joao, I wouldn't worry. I don't believe there will be a 2nd Spanish Civil War. Spain is a civilised country regardless of all the buggers in this thread.
I've got to much work and my holidays have ended. I happen to work more than 10 hours per day just for a living. In my spare time -amongst many other things- I make sure people understand and speak Catalan. It doesn't take me any extra time since it's the language I speak the most.
I'm ready to speak English or even Spanish to tourists. If they speak a language I can't understand and they don't speak English or even Spanish -most of the tourists who come here don't know Spanish- I will speak in Catalan and do my best to have myself understand (mimics are often useful).
I leave Imperialist Spaniards with their little Castilian-Spain whilst we'll continue being a part of Europe. Thanks God they're not all the same!
Bah Joao, Solo a los politicos y funcionarios enchufados por politica (legal e ilegalmente) les importa el idioma/ cultura pagada por los ciudadanos pues vende algo en las elecciones y puedes pillar cacho y chollo.
A la mayoria de los habitantes de españa, bastante tienen con llegar a fin de mes y pagar todos sus gastos. Si las necesidades basicas no llegan a cubrirse, los articulos de lujo como idioma/ cultura que no sean gratis deben pausarse hasta que la economia del pais y de sus ciudadanos puedan permitirselo.
Pero claro como los funcionarios politicos y politicos tienen buenos sueldos + dietas + viajes +privilegios viven en su mundo y estan desconectados de la realidad de la mayoria del pueblo. Ellos quiza vayan a la guerra, el pueblo sobre todo los jovenes pasamos, tenemos problemas mas importantes.
A la mayoria de los habitantes de españa, bastante tienen con llegar a fin de mes y pagar todos sus gastos. Si las necesidades basicas no llegan a cubrirse, los articulos de lujo como idioma/ cultura que no sean gratis deben pausarse hasta que la economia del pais y de sus ciudadanos puedan permitirselo.
Pero claro como los funcionarios politicos y politicos tienen buenos sueldos + dietas + viajes +privilegios viven en su mundo y estan desconectados de la realidad de la mayoria del pueblo. Ellos quiza vayan a la guerra, el pueblo sobre todo los jovenes pasamos, tenemos problemas mas importantes.
Yeah Testimoni i wrote wrong it is 'absorbido' i have an excuse i studied science/tech studies instead of non-science studies (socially known as useless and social parasites who lives by goverment/people money and only can get goverment employements paid with our taxes).
Can you solve an integral differential equation system?
Can you understand math lenguage?
Can you create computer algorithms?
Can you create something worth? something what develop society and create non taxes paid jobs
I'm afraid not mate, non science/tech studies are for people with a lot of tax paid culture but no intelligence at all.
Can you solve an integral differential equation system?
Can you understand math lenguage?
Can you create computer algorithms?
Can you create something worth? something what develop society and create non taxes paid jobs
I'm afraid not mate, non science/tech studies are for people with a lot of tax paid culture but no intelligence at all.
Sorry mate I have a degree in Linguistics and another in Tourism Studies, both of which I passed as a part time working student. I've also studied 6 different languages and can manage with numbers enough to keep my books if you know what I mean. I never had a problem to pass my Maths.
I have no parents -being an orphan from an early age- and I started to work when I was 16. I even passed my A levels (Batxillerat) in evening classes and yes, I've always been an excellent student.
Even though I had a 8,6 in my "Selectivity University Entrance Exams" I chose what I chose because my thirst for knowledge is endless. I even passed several subjects in Philosophy and Historic Studies. I worked and went to Uni for 8 years (two different degrees remember). I have worked in the land, I've been a waiter, I've even translated for others and done a thousand and one jobs to reach the end of the month. Maybe you had your daddy and mummy and I envy you for that.
Of course, there was also time for sports and sex and dancing...
Some of the most stupid people I know come from the science/tech studies field and, of course, Human Kind is unable make any equation at all without a good, solid use of language. Show me a dog or a cat doing a differential equation system withouth being able to utter a word.
I have created lots of jobs and have opened lots of doors to others. You will never be able to check this, of course, but I feel proud of what I've done.
The only thing you are is a frustrated Spanish Nationalist show-off. I know peasants with a primary school culture that have given much more to the world than you ever will.
It's only fair that somebody with 20 years experience should get paid more than you. Many of them work very hard indeed.
You are not unique. There are many more like you out there. I've paid for my rent and food since I was 16 and still had time to do other things. At 34 I'm still a young man but I've never been really sponsorised.
By the way, being Catalan makes me a citizen of the world and not otherwise. I worked for two years in Great Britain and another year in France.
How can you possibily write a last sentence such as the one you wrote: "no intelligence at all". I feel sorry for you but you must be able to change.
Best of luck!
I have no parents -being an orphan from an early age- and I started to work when I was 16. I even passed my A levels (Batxillerat) in evening classes and yes, I've always been an excellent student.
Even though I had a 8,6 in my "Selectivity University Entrance Exams" I chose what I chose because my thirst for knowledge is endless. I even passed several subjects in Philosophy and Historic Studies. I worked and went to Uni for 8 years (two different degrees remember). I have worked in the land, I've been a waiter, I've even translated for others and done a thousand and one jobs to reach the end of the month. Maybe you had your daddy and mummy and I envy you for that.
Of course, there was also time for sports and sex and dancing...
Some of the most stupid people I know come from the science/tech studies field and, of course, Human Kind is unable make any equation at all without a good, solid use of language. Show me a dog or a cat doing a differential equation system withouth being able to utter a word.
I have created lots of jobs and have opened lots of doors to others. You will never be able to check this, of course, but I feel proud of what I've done.
The only thing you are is a frustrated Spanish Nationalist show-off. I know peasants with a primary school culture that have given much more to the world than you ever will.
It's only fair that somebody with 20 years experience should get paid more than you. Many of them work very hard indeed.
You are not unique. There are many more like you out there. I've paid for my rent and food since I was 16 and still had time to do other things. At 34 I'm still a young man but I've never been really sponsorised.
By the way, being Catalan makes me a citizen of the world and not otherwise. I worked for two years in Great Britain and another year in France.
How can you possibily write a last sentence such as the one you wrote: "no intelligence at all". I feel sorry for you but you must be able to change.
Best of luck!
Testimoni wrote:
Ara, com que la ignorància castellano-espanyola no té límits ja veurem com es rebolquen en el fang.
This sentence make me angry. Because you don't everything about everything so you can not call ignorant to other people, There are a lot of subjects you have no idea at all. For example you can not understand math lenguage at all, some number operations is not 'the mathematical lenguage'. Mathematical lenguage is used to prove true o lie a mathematical theorem. It can also be used to code,store, send and recive information as non science lenguages do and in a more efficiently way.
I'm not spanish nationalist at all, i only defend myself if somebody insult me as your up sentence and i gonna show you, i would prefer an english inmersion school than spanish. I think 90% parents in iberia would prefer this for their children too.
Nationalist is fairtale used only to get goverment money o jobs. New generations have other problems than to substain a tax paid diying lenguage or culture. The same to spanish if it was the case.
Good luck testimoni, nothing personal only where do my two cents go?
Ara, com que la ignorància castellano-espanyola no té límits ja veurem com es rebolquen en el fang.
This sentence make me angry. Because you don't everything about everything so you can not call ignorant to other people, There are a lot of subjects you have no idea at all. For example you can not understand math lenguage at all, some number operations is not 'the mathematical lenguage'. Mathematical lenguage is used to prove true o lie a mathematical theorem. It can also be used to code,store, send and recive information as non science lenguages do and in a more efficiently way.
I'm not spanish nationalist at all, i only defend myself if somebody insult me as your up sentence and i gonna show you, i would prefer an english inmersion school than spanish. I think 90% parents in iberia would prefer this for their children too.
Nationalist is fairtale used only to get goverment money o jobs. New generations have other problems than to substain a tax paid diying lenguage or culture. The same to spanish if it was the case.
Good luck testimoni, nothing personal only where do my two cents go?
Sorry mate I have a degree in Linguistics and another in Tourism Studies
Wowowow, Tourism, the career that is studied by naive girls and gays..
Wowowow, Tourism, the career that is studied by naive girls and gays..
Evinoria you must have studied nothing at all. Your ignorance and poor education come out in every single post of yours. What about going back to school instead of wasting time in here?
Yes, I am an orphan gay Catalan. So, I am Sexual frustrated Catalan Nationalist show-off.
I have created lots of blow-jobs and have opened lots of bottoms to others. You will never be able to check this, of course, but I feel proud of what I've done.
I've paid for my rent and food since I was 16 with sex and still had time to do other things. At 34 I'm still a young gay man but I've never been really fucked.
By the way, being Nationalist Catalan makes me a stupid citizen of the world and not otherwise. I worked for two years in Great Britain and another year in France. Nobody wanted to study Catalan, they only wanted to fuck me.
How can you possibily write a last sentence such as the one you wrote: "no sex at all". I feel sorry for you but you must be able to fuck me.
Best of luck!
I have created lots of blow-jobs and have opened lots of bottoms to others. You will never be able to check this, of course, but I feel proud of what I've done.
I've paid for my rent and food since I was 16 with sex and still had time to do other things. At 34 I'm still a young gay man but I've never been really fucked.
By the way, being Nationalist Catalan makes me a stupid citizen of the world and not otherwise. I worked for two years in Great Britain and another year in France. Nobody wanted to study Catalan, they only wanted to fuck me.
How can you possibily write a last sentence such as the one you wrote: "no sex at all". I feel sorry for you but you must be able to fuck me.
Best of luck!