Why Learn Portuguese?

Evinória   Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:59 am GMT
<<<I agree, but there are too many Portuguese/Brazialian (for instance, take a look at Evinoria's posts) and Spanish fanatics in this forum so I've changed my mind I'm going to learn Maltese!!! >>>

Não tem nada a ver! Os EUA são o País mais beligerante do Mundo, nem por isso ninguém deixa de estudar o inglês, porque os estadunidenses que o falam são beligerantes (sendo que a maioria não o é).

Se você estuda ou não o português, ninguém dá a mínima para isso. Conhecimento é algo que somente você pode dizer se quer ou não quer! Eu tenho um modo de pensar diferente: Eu creio que todo conhecimento é válido, desde que seja bem canalizado. Portanto, para mim é um prazer adquirir conhecimentos novos. Se você acha que aprender o Português é menos valioso que aprender Maltês, novamente isso é consciência sua. Por que não podemos obrigar ninguém a seguir nossos pensamentos e decisões, da mesma forma que não podemos imputar sobre ninguém as razões pela nossa infelicidade. Se você não está feliz com o idioma português, se não gosta dele, ou se simplesmente desistiu de aprendê-lo, creio que a última razão que motivou você a fazer isso foi o fato de que eu fui de encontro às suas palavras, sendo eu uma garota semi-anônima da internet, que provavelmente dista dezenas de milhares de kilômetros de você.

Talvez um dia você se dê conta do quanto perderá se não aprender o português, pois cada língua nova que se aprende, é um Mundo que se descobre e se explora! Infelizmente nessa jornada, não há NASA e AEE, mas somente você para guiar seus esforços em direção ao conhecimento da verdade!

Abraços! Fique na Paz!
Jonas   Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:04 am GMT
If somebody want to learn Portuguese and can teacher english tell me. I'm from Brazil and want to learn english as well and can help with portuguese language if you can help with english.
my skype is jgncont

tks a lot
Paul   Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:26 am GMT
I discussed this on my blog:


I don't really know why I'm learning portuguese, but there are a lot of practical reasons that a person should. I'm mean...we're talking about PORTUGUESE (a major world international language), and not faroese or some other small minority language spoken on a tiny isolated island by a handful of people.

There are more practical reasons to learn portuguese than there are to learn other more popularly studied languages like Italian....and even french.
Guest   Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:37 am GMT
There are more practical reasons to learn portuguese than there are to learn other more popularly studied languages like Italian....and even french.

It depends. Every person has his own subjective reasons. It does not depend on the language itself.
oiginal   Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:20 am GMT
Portuguese has more sounds than spanish, if you learn portuguese spanish will be very easy , but not the other way round because of the phonology.


Many spaniards are now learning portuguese even living in Spain.



Others that live in Portugal because they are unable to speak and are considered arrogants they have many difficulties pronouncing portuguese and the truth is that they have a very poor grasp of the portuguese phonology their ears become trained to understand but their vocal cords can not reproduce the sounds.

K. T.   Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:25 am GMT
I have thought about this and I recognize that learning more sounds, then going to a language with fewer sounds works as well. The problem is that there is not enough good material for learners. I've thought about contacting a publisher I like and seeing if they would consider doing an advanced Portuguese course.
French Nigga   Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:48 am GMT
Kendra, French is the language of poor African peasants, is it true?
advanced portuguese   Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:18 am GMT
Queremos Shakira de volta   Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:43 am GMT
Shakira eh uma moça bem bacana. Eu amo ela.
Shakira is a lovely girl. I love her.
a reply   Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:57 am GMT
The interviewed spaniard man can not speak portuguese after 20 years living in Portugal. The man is the example of how it is difficult for a spaniard to pronounce the portuguese language. The woman can speak portuguese with some accent and she does ok.


"Si además tenemos en cuenta que el sistema fonético del portugués es mucho más rico que el español, pondríamos a nuestro alcance un conjunto de sonidos que el español no tiene y que nos vendría muy bien para aprender otras lenguas extranjeras.."


portuguese second language in Extremadura - Spain


Guest   Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:51 pm GMT
The spaniard who didn't learn Portuguese after 20 years of living in Portugal simply didn't care learning Portuguese, not because Portuguese is very difficult for him. There are English expats in Spain who have lived in Spain for a lot of years too and don't speak a word of Spanish. Isn't Spanish easy to pronounce for an English speaker whose language has more phonetic nuances?. No, they simply they lack motivation. That the Spanish speakers can't pronounce Portuguese because it's very diffuclt is bullshit.

"Si además tenemos en cuenta que el sistema fonético del portugués es mucho más rico que el español, pondríamos a nuestro alcance un conjunto de sonidos que el español no tiene y que nos vendría muy bien para aprender otras lenguas extranjeras.."

Bullshit too. To learn foreign sounds you have learn those sounds, not the Portuguese sounds that may resemble the former ones.
Liliane   Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:37 pm GMT
The interviewed spaniard man can not speak portuguese after 20 years living in Portugal. /

Shakira speaks very good Portuguese:
blanchette   Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:40 pm GMT
Porque estudar a lingua portuguesa? Para verem as lindissimas favelas do Rio e de outras cidades brasileiras.
Funkera d bobera   Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:47 pm GMT
Speaking of favela, this is the hottest song at the time being:
Your name   Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:48 am GMT
"Isn't Spanish easy to pronounce for an English speaker whose language has more phonetic nuances?. No, they simply they lack motivation."

They are lazy and dumb. Call it motivation!! In Portugal they learn portuguese, at least the majority.

T"he spaniard who didn't learn Portuguese after 20 years of living in Portugal simply didn't care learning Portuguese"

Not really, living in Portugal he does not speak spanish in Portugal, his portuguese must be too bad. Spaniards get integrated very quickly in Portugal they are not like the british who live in colonies pretending they live in Britain.